My '86 90 has the rubber buffers on the bulkhead too.

Re the plastic hinge inserts below, I seem to recall they are handed, a thick tall side and thin low side to the 'U'. If they are not in correctly the hinges don't sit well in the brackets.

Just a thought.

Are you missing these in your bonnet hinges?
My '86 90 has the rubber buffers on the bulkhead too.

Re the plastic hinge inserts below, I seem to recall they are handed, a thick tall side and thin low side to the 'U'. If they are not in correctly the hinges don't sit well in the brackets.

Just a thought.
That's interesting, I didn't know that. I'm wondering now if mine are in the right way round. When I replaced them a couple of years ago, they didn't seem to sit right, I put it down to them being new and needing to bed in.

@lightning , with bonnet closed go round to each corner and check for any play/movement. Once found therein lies the problem area - if rear chances are it's the inserts and bulkhead to rear of bonnet seal. If at front it's the bonnet stops needing adjustment [some bonnets have two, others have four. Britannica Mike has these great videos on bonnets...

@lightning , with bonnet closed go round to each corner and check for any play/movement. Once found therein lies the problem area - if rear chances are it's the inserts and bulkhead to rear of bonnet seal. If at front it's the bonnet stops needing adjustment [some bonnets have two, others have four. Britannica Mike has these great videos on bonnets...

Good shout. I forgot about the bonnet stops :oops::rolleyes:
Thank you.

You can see the bulkhead rubber buffers on the video, it appears those were not fitted to the TD5

l wonder if l have fitted the hinge inserts incorrectly, l didn't know they were handed. l will get some photos tomorrow.

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