
New Member
Today I brought a 2001 v6 2.5. Auto freelander. I gave it a test drive and all seemed ok. In a city couldnt really test it properly barely made it above 30 flat roads and no chance to accelerate fast. All seemed good so I parted with my hard earned and drove it home. Now I am worried as there is a noise that seems wrong its pretty hard to describe like metal on metal worn brake pad noise but it only happens when accelerating hard or up hill basicly under stress. Revving the engine standing doesn't make the noise in fact it sounds sweet as a nut. So first I thought it sounded like an exhust problem but surely that would happen standing. So maybe a transmission problem. But I don't know what it should sound like. The brake pads are worn and do squeal a bit with a little metal on metal so I know they need attention. This is probably wishful thinking but is there some reason the brake pads would grind going up hill or accelerating? I guess a change will reveal this but as you can imagine I am feeling a little stressed at the idea of buying a pile so am checking to see if its a known noise.
@ mad hat man :I got it from a dealer.
@ howardo ill check the oils , could it be that simple? * fingers crossed*

Could it be the IRD? or would that be a constant noise
If yu got it from a dealer- take it back.
Read the "crock of ****e" thread in the Q & A's section.
The general consensus is to not touch the petrol models, but go fir a diesel.
I hope you have very long and comprehensive warranty, or very deep pockets :(.
Well that cheered me up no end LOL. I have very deep pockets unfortunatly theres naff all in them and they both have holes. I spoke to the trader he wants to investigate and repair it but if its loads he will refund the money. After that statement I almost hope its terminal. WHY OH WHY !! did I sell my Classic rangy . . . . fu(k....fu(k....fu(kity fu(k
if its any consolation just had similar problem thought it was a wheel bearing or something but it was brake pads,must be design of freelander but noise travels through the running gear and makes it sound worse
OP I think I have the very same noise only mine is with a L series diesel. It only happens as you say when accelerating and under load.

The only thing I have to add is that I only noticed mine doing it after I had removed the front prop and VCU (VCU seized, IRD knackered etc) - are you sure your V6 has these still fitted?

Welcome to the world of Freelander ownership mate - a different noise, rattle, bang every day and most of them expensive to fix !!
Don't bother trying to fix the fault, as it came from a dealer, you are still covered by the trade of goods act. i.e. The item purchased is not fit for the purpose. Take it back and state that 'this vehicle is not in a satisfactory condition', state the fault - the noise in your case, and ask 'what are you going to do about it', if they say 'nothing, or why should we do anything', politely remind them about the trade of goods act and that they are legally obliged to resolve the problem.
thanks for your replies. The plan is to take it to a land rover place just down the road from me. I had dealings with them when I had a rangy, always helpful and reasonable prices to just get them to run it up and down the road a bit have a look underneath and tell me what they think. I would rather that than leave it to the dealer to BS me. Plus It will cost only about as much as the fuel and train fair home taking it back to the dealer. Then if its gonna cost Ill get the dealer to fix it or give a refund. The odd thing now tho is the noise has deminished and sounds less harsh *NOT SURE THATS GOOD*. But other than that its a pleasure to drive , played with the auto desent button how cool is that, traction control sorted me out on a bit of ice. . . well alright it was deliberate but hey! I gotta check it works. I even used the pansy ar$e warmer this morning.. Besides the noise and the fact it makes a whole array of other unidentified noises when cold I love it.
You must take it back to the garage where you bought it and do the trade of goods act bit, you are not covered if you take it anywhere else.
you are both correct.
It will not do any harm to take it to this other place and get a full written report. You then must take it back to the seller and give them an opportunity to repair it within a reasonable timescale or to give you a full refund. At least you will have a 3rd party report to hit them with.
OP I think I have the very same noise only mine is with a L series diesel. It only happens as you say when accelerating and under load.

The only thing I have to add is that I only noticed mine doing it after I had removed the front prop and VCU (VCU seized, IRD knackered etc) - are you sure your V6 has these still fitted?

Welcome to the world of Freelander ownership mate - a different noise, rattle, bang every day and most of them expensive to fix !!

I have the exact same noise / set of conditions, and also only after removing the prop on my 1.8 petrol. Only seems to be in 3 4 5 gear tho. Any ideas of what it is would be welcome!!
Apart from the odd rattle, and un-expected oddity, i love it!!
front prop is all therre as far as I can tell. Its going in on monday for a once over, ill let you know what happens. Its great on snow and ice tho. in fact so uneventful on snow its almost boring lol
OK well they found nothing wrong so I'm pretty pleased. The trader said that the cam belt was changed about 2000 miles back, but I have nor seen any paperwork for that and the guy at the 4X4 place said it was an expensive job £500+ Surely that can't be right??
It remains unidentified. but they didn't seem to think it was anything to worry about, the o nly thing they could think of was resonance in the exhust (its not leaking or anything) *shrug*

If your not sure if your v6 belts have been changed, then have a look at them. The easiest of the 3 is the one at the front by the battery. Undo the 3 bolts and pull off the plastic cover. See if the belt looks new. The other at the rear is a pig to get to. The main belt at the front (alternator side/coolant reservoir side) is also accessible, just, by removing the bolts from both top plastic covers, and carefully pulling the cover open to see inside. You can’t see all the belt, but at least some of it. To do all the above you’ll need to remove the plastic acoustic cover off the top of the engine. New belts should be clean. If there’s writing on them, it will be clean too. I admit it doesn’t give full conformation they’ve been done.
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My Td4 auto used to make a strange noise if I had to accelerate hard when it was cold. After getting the auto g/box fluid changed (which was near its 60k service change) all is well & has been for nearly 10k. I'll change it when it's done 30k this time round.
When I changed the belts on my V6 the old ones were as clean as the new ones I put on. Why does he think they have been changed if he has no paperwork to substantiate this ?

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