
New Member
As the days pass it seems to become clear that I will never get my fantastic car back. would like to hear about any lucky owners who did manage to get their Landy's back as to how soon after the theft they were recovered and under what circumstances .... just to give me a bit of hope pleeeeease !:mad::mad::mad:
Defender 90. N792 WOF
Substantial reward ££££££££ for return of this car.


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1 thing you can try take a drive around every car park in as big a radiece of your home as you can the thivin gets tend to park it in a carpark and leave it there for days to make sure its not got a tracker on it ;)
if ya find it drive it away and get yourself a clutchclaw to stop um driving it away again
Great reply - only trouble is the insurance "INVESTIGATORS" insisted that I returned ALL KEYS and documents/ receipts that I have ever owned !
nothing like kicking a man when you are down!
IF I get my Landy back I will sleep in it and eat in it while waiting for the Clutch Claw, machine gun and lethal injections to be delivered to my home.
God help anyone who EVER touches my Landy again.
in the meantime I can still keep fingers crossed for "her" return.
If I don't get "her" back I will get an old fiat punto or something equally un-interesting.:(
How CRAP is that ?
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still have a look for it tho as buckshot says..................cos if you do come across it im sure some of the guys on here will be able to help you get it home :D
Great reply - only trouble is the insurance "INVESTIGATORS" insisted that I returned ALL KEYS and documents/ receipts that I have every owned !
nothing like kicking a man when you are down!
IF I get my Landy back I will sleep in it and eat in it while waiting for the Clutch Claw, machine gun and lethal injections to be delivered to my home.
God help anyone who EVER touches my Landy again.
in the meantime I can still keep fingers crossed for "her" return.
If I don't get "her" back I will get an old fiat punto or something equally un-interesting.:(

how long ago did it go? if mine went missing then i'd be out there 24/7 with enough ammo to de-populate certain areas :rolleyes:;)
Hi Buckshot, you have already replied to me about this in my first post last weekend.
It went during the night of 13th/ 14th Feb. thanks for your support
Sadly you're fooked here, its either on ebay in bits as said or on its way to africa on false plates. Bitter lesson to learn, looks a beauty, sorry for you but these cnuts are pro's....and you know with a pro you're gonna be fooked well and good..

then the parasites move, got to have it but they have short arms and deep pockets when it comes to paying out...start getting every picture, for sale ad, sold ad you can find that supports your valuation...change insurance company if you have the same for house, contents, life etc...

I totally agree STORM99, I have been looking after my car, driving along, not a ticket or fine in sight for the whole time that I had my Landy, got best insurance I could afford and added a few security measures to help protect my car - yet just at this moment not only do I feel crap I feel like the people who I paid to protect me are going to try to rip me off too.
As John Travolta so famously said in Pulp Fiction

'You just dont **** with another mans motor'

I actually work with trauma victims but i tell you, those whineing, self indulgent, selfish bastards don't know what its like to have your motor stolen, keyed, dented in a car park or deliberately punctured.

Note to boss...**** you too.
When you're driving around looking for it, try and picture it with a few of the obvious features removed. If it is still in the area, the 'Defender' sticker will definitely have been removed from the windscreen, the spotlights will probably have gone and the steel wheels may well have been changed to something a little more common like modulars. i'd be checking container / self storage areas, because they'd have to make a few slight adjustments to it before the start trying to ship it out of the country.


Look on ebay for parts that you know your land rover has. If you find something, check to see what other parts that seller also has up for auction on ebay and see if there's anything else familiar in the list. Searching for a bumper with an a-bar and spotlights is your best starting bet. Look for all the tiny little details too.

I really hope you get it back in one piece
1 thing you can try take a drive around every car park in as big a radiece of your home as you can the thivin gets tend to park it in a carpark and leave it there for days to make sure its not got a tracker on it ;)
if ya find it drive it away and get yourself a clutchclaw to stop um driving it away again

When my first landy was stolen I managed to track it down all the way from warminster wiltshire to cambridge. The police hadn't been able to find it and i managed to do it in just 2 weeks.

I still never got it back but I did get my money for it from the guy that stole it.:D:D:D
it will be HIGHLY unlikley you will ever hear of it again. the amount of land rovers that have been stolen over just the last year alone would be enough to take over ebay for spares. it is more than likley it has been stripped and packed into a shipping container with a load of other parts and is ready to be shipped abroad. i know of a couple of people who are/have been involved in the theft of plant machines and i can tell you one sells them to some one in london and they get transported down there to be exported overseas the other sells to some one in ireland.
i understand this isnt what you want to hear but its more likley to be what has become of your land rover. very few will be broke up in this country and sold on ebay auctions ect, the demand for them abroad is huge and more profitable than anything they could get in the uk and the chances of stolen parts being investigated over seas is highly unlikley so the risk is very very small.
the tracker thing is reality though but it is unlikley it will be in such a public place as a car park, more likley to be on a side street in view of the thiefs house so he knows whats happening around it again reducing the risk of getting caught. it is likley the plates will have been cloned to another land rover that is legit again reducing the chances of it turning up.
how did you track it, and how did you get your money?

It was a mate of mine (well he was until then) that nicked it and tried to sell it on ebay. I didn't know this at the time though. I tracked it by watching people that were after series landrovers on ebay and posting it on landrovers reunited. I was informed that it was seen in the cambridge area but had no address. I told the police but they were unable to find it. I narrowed it down to a guy on ebay but the police weren't interested unless I GAVE THEM his address. Obviously I couldn't. I then received a letter from dvla informing me that someone was trying to register it. Again the police didn't want to get involved as they said it was a 'civil matter'. Due to my job I managed to speak to someone in the force and get the address via a 'back door route'. When I gave the police the address they were a bit dumbfounded. They passed it on to the local force who went and took a look.

they arrested my ex mate who then admitted it. The CPS said there was insufficient evidence to prosecute him?????WTF????:confused:

I wasn't allowed the relevent information by the police to take it to a civil court to get it back.:mad::mad::mad:

I told my ex mate that he had a choice of HIS legs or MY money and gave him 2 weeks.

He opted for the money option.:cool::p:p:p

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