
Active Member
Everyday I come on here and another landy is gone proberbly for good. How many have to be stolen before people realise that security of some kind or another needs fitting?
If you've been on here and are a member of the site or any site or just an enthusiast in general then surely you should realise that in this day and age you need security fitting, the more the better.
A minority have good security and are still taken, I doubt it was easy and proberbly professional scum, I just don't feel sorry for anyone who comes on here moaning about the theft of their so called pride and joy when they haven't factored into the cost of the vehicle good aftermarket security or just not bothered their arse, just hope you learn from your mistakes and buy your next one with this in mind or just by a gaylander then nobody will care anyway.
I agree up to a point.
Although I suspect quite a few owners still aren't aware that their knackered old defenders are very desirable to thieves.
I wasn't when mine was nicked after 6 weeks of ownership.
Also most of the owners who have lost theirs are 1st time posters on here so may not know.

I agree though, that if you know and don't do anything about it , your asking for trouble.

My current one is protected like Fort Knox and I'm still constantly checking it.
I disagree because as said before, people don't realise how easy it is. I know of a few old lady's i have seen at local shops and they didn't know how easy to steal they are. Plus people think it won't happen to them but does not mean they deserve it stolen? People who just park them on there drives with another car behind them still get stolen, does that mean they deserve it?

I agree people should take care but no one deserves there belongings taken except the low life's that steal it in the first place
You can spend a small fortune on security for your pride and joy but if the thieving toerags want it they will take it.
Both mine where alarmed and immobilised and the ***** still took them on the back of breakdown trucks.
How many people have seen cars or other vehicles on the back of breakdown trucks with alarms going off or hazard warning lights flashing and thought nothing of it?
Well I for one always ring the Police to report this when I see it with as much information as I can give just in case the vehicle is stolen.
I for one cannot stand these passive alarms. over the years like others out there I've spent a lot of money and time on maintenance, upgrades,re-builds and general mods just for some toerag to take my pride and joys.
I think you should be able to protect your property by any means at your disposal.
There was a thread on here not long ago about someone who got caught with an engine out of a stolen vehicle and even though it was common knowledge that he was known to have handled more than what was found the sentence was a few hours community service. Compared to what time and effort people put into these vehicles I feel that was an insult.
For some spending a small fortune isn't an option :(

There's still ways to make things tricky for the scrotes though :)
What would you guys recommend over and above the standard 'security' that comes with a LR? I've just taken possesion of a 2002 Discovery TD5 and it's quickly become my pride and joy, i'd be heartbroken if some thieving t**t stole it so what would you suggest I do or what alarm would you suggest I buy? I may be able to get the insurance money back for it but i'd never get one in as good condition as the one I have. Bodywork is immaculate, engine good (fingers crossed) and all the toys. I live in a rural area and it would be nothing for some ***** to reverse his lowloader up my drive and load it on without me hearing.
Discos aren't too bad, just normal precautions are ok , some do get nicked but it's defenders that they are really after.
Easy to steal, easy to break up, and easy to sell on.
When I bought mine, I budgeted another £200 for security, in the end I didnt need all of it, the previous owner let me have the discloc that he had, so I bought a pedal lock and a couple of other bits.
If it's your absolute pride and joy with thought of it being stolen knocking you sick, then getting a DECENT tracker fitted is the only way, in my opinion.
a tracker is a second line of defence, it helps get it back, but doesn't prevent it being stolen.
If theres 2 fenders, one with a disc and pedal lock, but no tracker, and one with no security, and a tracker the second would be an easier target IMO.
a tracker is a second line of defence, it helps get it back, but doesn't prevent it being stolen.
If theres 2 fenders, one with a disc and pedal lock, but no tracker, and one with no security, and a tracker the second would be an easier target IMO.

Yep, I'd much rather the look at mine and move on because it's not worth the time and effort to have a go at nicking it.

I've spent about £500 on security so far, and when funds allow I shall spend another £250 . Then I'll feel like I've done everything is reasonably can.

If it's stolen then, well that's what insurance is for.
Yep, I'd much rather the look at mine and move on because it's not worth the time and effort to have a go at nicking it.

I've spent about £500 on security so far, and when funds allow I shall spend another £250 . Then I'll feel like I've done everything is reasonably can.

If it's stolen then, well that's what insurance is for.

If everyone did the same less would go missing, a budget of £500 on top of the purchase price of even a new fender would go somewhat to cutting thefts.
Mine was without security for a month after purchase, restless nights and wasn't out of my sight, spent roughly the same on an aftermarket Clifford duel zone with Central locking, disclock, the secret switch and a fuel cut off valve is still to go on but still don't leave it in car parks or anywhere I don't feel comfortable with, just take the vectra instead.
Fortunately, the police in this area know my Landy and will stop me regularly if I am not in uniform as some of them don;t recognise me out of it!

It is even better when one of our Team is driving it and I get a phone call to confirm his identity!!

The police are our friends here!! :) :) :)
The police are our friends here!! :) :) :)

You're lucky, the police are a waste of space here. The local cop shop used to open Monday to Friday for just a few hours a day, now they're on about opening it 3 hours a week.

A mate was recently the victim of a burglary, £3.5k of chainsaws and logging tools, the police were given a tip off as to the whereabouts of my mates gear. They didn't do anything about it because they 'didn't have the manpower' :rolleyes:

I've been burgled a couple times in the last 12 months, did the police want to know? did they feck :mad: They told me if I'm confronted with burglers to dial 999 and they'll deal with it. As it happens I did get late night visitors on my property only a couple weeks later, I did as instructed, but no police turned up. Two days later the police phoned me for a description of the prowlers. I won't repeat the tone of the conversation, it wasn't pleasant.

In more recent weeks they asked if they could park on my property as I'm on a main road where speeding offences are regularly committed, the answer was short and to the point ;)
We do have a good relationship with them and occasionally take part in joint exercises ... Plus they know that the kettle is always on at the Unit! :D
Everyday I come on here and another landy is gone proberbly for good. How many have to be stolen before people realise that security of some kind or another needs fitting?
If you've been on here and are a member of the site or any site or just an enthusiast in general then surely you should realise that in this day and age you need security fitting, the more the better.
A minority have good security and are still taken, I doubt it was easy and proberbly professional scum, I just don't feel sorry for anyone who comes on here moaning about the theft of their so called pride and joy when they haven't factored into the cost of the vehicle good aftermarket security or just not bothered their arse, just hope you learn from your mistakes and buy your next one with this in mind or just by a gaylander then nobody will care anyway.

You not going to like this then I never lock my car and never have had one stolen yet thank you dad:)
The reasons

You can have more damage done to your car by locking it for thefts of radios/ valuables

If your car is stolen and recover'd the added cost of the windows and locks could increase the cost making your car a write off , thus you lose it anyways
Some can buy it back but most haven't the ability to fix things .

Now some might say if you didn't lock it you have invalidated the insurance, one don't tell them two how would they know ;)

Remember this if a scum fancied your car of contents that much they WILL have it by hook or crook , these devises are only a deterrence locked or not !

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