
Active Member
I am now too old and shaky to do the FIP seals myself so took it to a bloke nearby who did them today using Biketeacherdave's excellent guide. Phone call this evening him saying that it starts fine, revs okay, tickover good but put it in drive and there is no power and it dies. He's tested the in tank pump and says that it is not delivering, but I don't think that is relevant seeing as it starts. Any ideas please? I'm going there tomorrow with Nanocom. What should I look at?
I am now too old and shaky to do the FIP seals myself so took it to a bloke nearby who did them today using Biketeacherdave's excellent guide. Phone call this evening him saying that it starts fine, revs okay, tickover good but put it in drive and there is no power and it dies. He's tested the in tank pump and says that it is not delivering, but I don't think that is relevant seeing as it starts. Any ideas please? I'm going there tomorrow with Nanocom. What should I look at?
If the tank fuel level is low, the lack of the lift pump will certainly cause a problem, on my project car the engine would die if put under load when the lift pump failed.
Thanks for reply. Strange that the in tank pump should fail just now. The car was running fine before, just peeing diesel...
He says he can hear the pump running but no delivery at filter. I thought that once it had started the FIP kind of took over?
If it was fine before then I’d say theres some thin not lined up in the main pump Ie the pin in the top not in the wee hole on the top wiper track.
I'm not sure it would even start if that wasn't right...?
It might start if the pin alignment was wrong it might even race but I doubt that is the problem. No fuel at the filter is the clue. If the in tank pump can be heard running, it may be that the pipe in the tank from the pump has split.
How much fuel is there in the tank?
Thanks for reply. Strange that the in tank pump should fail just now. The car was running fine before, just peeing diesel...
He says he can hear the pump running but no delivery at filter. I thought that once it had started the FIP kind of took over?
NO the FIP does not "take over", it can suck fuel through if the tank is near half full and the FIP is not worn but not recommended
Thanks Keith. Put Nanocom on it and found that the 'current fuel quantity' reading was far too high ie 29.6. We loosened the cover and tapped it towards the bulkhead until the reading was 4.5. Idle note changed slightly to an even smoother tickover. Even tightening the cover screws up caused the reading to change. Boy that is sensitive! Anyhoo.. its running sweet as can be now with quite amazing acceleration (for an old diesel). Still runs sweet without the in tank pump, but I'll see to that soon too.
Also discovered why glow light comes on even when hot - there's a hot start fix wired in. Or a 'chain stretch cover up' as it could be called... Need to sort that out too.
Thanks for your help
Arghh the top cover I think i mentioned that in my message. Trouble with my guide is the marking shown on the photo in the guide didn't come out for some reason. If that top cover is not purfect it won't run or runs badly.
Glad you got it sorted
It's a total sod to get right and as you noticed, just tightening up can affect it.
The adjustment is so minute that even scribed marks lined up are not quite accurate enough! Nanocom proved its worth again tho'.

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