
New Member
When I had my Series 3 anyone coming in the opposite direction in either a Series or Defender would nod, raise a hand etc and so would I. A bit geeky to start with but harmless really. When I had my Range Rover P38 other P38 owners would do the same. I suspect it was just nervous excitement at seeing another P38 that was actually running! However, I am now driving my second Disco tdi and no one in a Disco seems to bother. On closer inspection they seem to be driven by stressed mums taking little Piers to cello practise, or young Lettuce to ballet class, or possibly someone with a mobile pressed to their ear.

Is you're experience similar.
Not at all, this is my second week of owning a Disco and have had the raised hand twice

thought this was only something that bikers did, not raising hands but a nod of the head
The modded discos round here wave to me, bog standard ones are all driven by mums and old people so I don't bother
this is something i enjoyed when i owned a mini a few years ago! Waving is big in the mini scene! I havn't had any waves as of yet and didn't really think about it until i saw this... i'll wait until I have a few mods first then like dr evil says... just wave as the modded ones!
I'll bet you did! Not nice when a disco crashes through the garden like that with you lying under the series with your tool in your hand..:p
I have my tool in my hand most of the time,i've been told it's an illness but I think it's just masterbation
The modded discos round here wave to me, bog standard ones are all driven by mums and old people so I don't bother

Oi! Well I suppose I'm a mum in an unmodded disco but I'm not old and my disco is used for its purpose, not as a bloody school taxi - anyhoo I'll wave! :cheer2:
Oi! Well I suppose I'm a mum in an unmodded disco but I'm not old and my disco is used for its purpose, not as a bloody school taxi - anyhoo I'll wave! :cheer2:

The mums round here are all grumpy :eek: I keep getting evil looks cos mines all muddy.

They all buy discos round here for the snow then wonder why my old one passes them while they're running slicks :doh: same with the RR's and even one fender idiot who was driving round on ridiculously slick tyres
I'm not grumpy either, I'm always eyeing up other landy owners but have to admit I don't wave unless they wave first...I'll start tomorrow, see how many wave back :D
The mums round here are all grumpy :eek: I keep getting evil looks cos mines all muddy.

They all buy discos round here for the snow then wonder why my old one passes them while they're running slicks :doh: same with the RR's and even one fender idiot who was driving round on ridiculously slick tyres

Mines on slicks, coped fine in the snow but then I love driving on snow and took advantage of a good ol slide here and there. There's one right hand corner junction on an incline, it's slippery as hell when it snows, great fun taking it sideways and forwards at the same time, made sure no one around of course :D I should really get some knobbly tyres - be in my element!
Mine used to slide in the wet on the AT's I could slide it in the dry too if I booted it :eek: Seem to have a lot more grip with the MT's, haven't managed to smoke the tyres up going round the corner at the bottom of the lane yet :mad:
i've had quite a few waves this week.. and occasionally in the last 18mnths of owning my disco..

i must admit it's mostly from modded disco's and fenders.. i live pretty close to parkwood 4x4 so see quite a few modded motors..

not had waves off gaylander owners, they are probably expecting a two finger wave if they do.....
There's a lad down the street, he waves to everyone from the bus that collects him 3 times a week.Does that count?
One of the reasons could be that it's too dark in Discos so no one can see you. The music's usually too loud too!!! Sorry:D:D
Mine used to slide in the wet on the AT's I could slide it in the dry too if I booted it :eek: Seem to have a lot more grip with the MT's, haven't managed to smoke the tyres up going round the corner at the bottom of the lane yet :mad:

Im ex TA royal logistics so have driven lots of landy's off road but by far my favourite experience was taking a 14 ton Drops Lorry off road, at night in muddy conditions and performing some fantastic donuts! So yep I'm not your regular unmodded Disco old mum, I just love driving to the limit. In my old disco I took my mum on a field in the snow and had fun without telling her first..she wouldn't speak to me afterwards :bounce:
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Don't tend to get waved at round here more like stone throwing and shot at.

But on the up side back home I wave mostly to other modded disco's

Donuting a drops frigging hell and there auto.

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