On the small country lanes around here the cornering ability of the car doesn't come into it, its the cyclist, horserider or pedestrian that might be around the corner that dictates the safe speed. I couldn't safely go any faster in a Lamborghini.
The Lamborghini has no ACE that's why :cool: , here's the diffeence between a D2 equipped with ACE and those from same cathegory without such system, on classic ARBs would not win that ''competition" i'm sure:

I would find a video of a D2 with ACE and without ACE more interesting and compelling than that.

Mee too, i'd love to see one like that cos i'm sure that then at least the false myth created by a cognitive dissonance that it's no difference would be busted for good :cool:
Mee too, i'd love to see one like that cos i'm sure that then at least the false myth created by a cognitive dissonance that it's no difference would be busted for good :cool:

I would actually be more interested to see if it makes a difference to cornering speeds that are achievable. Rather than just giving a false sense of security.

Either way, as has been said above, did not buy the D2 to race like the teenager I used to be on country roads . Too much other stuff in the way and unless the brakes are improved there is a limit to how far I can see around a bend and still brake in safety ( yes the teenage version of me would be wondering what has happened..LOL ) , The cornering attitude of a D2 is not the limiting factor IMHO.

I bet all run of the mill hatchbacks would romp home against these. The centre of gravity is so much lower. If I wanted to speed around corners then A disco wouldn't be my choice.

Can be surprising, keep it smooth and they can make good progress
I bet all run of the mill hatchbacks would romp home against these. The centre of gravity is so much lower. If I wanted to speed around corners then A disco wouldn't be my choice.

Thinking about it at sub legal speeds only things able to easily keep up are things like Porsches.

I don't like going too fast in it as at speed feels more vunerable.

Just watch out for inside front wheel lifting (but outside grips well) and lift off oversteer.

Handles really well for a tall live axled off roader.

Smooth is the answer.

Horses, not often out in morning, but on way home I see them, over the hedges as well!

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