
New Member
Hi all
I have posted a couple of threads about this before and am looking for a little more advice.1995 300tdi manual with one button fob.
Alarm works fine with bonnet switch.Prob is none of the door switches see m to work.Interior bulbs are fine.Rear wiper not working and right rear window not working.Someone suggested the MFU behind the fuse board but I cant find it there.Anywhere else it could live-does my Disco even have it ?
I have checked the RAVE disk and it says behind fuses Is it way behind and you have to take the fusu unit out to see it??
I pulled out the fuseboard and found the MFU.
wnen I looked inside there is a power transistor/rgulator fried and the printed circuit is burned up.Anyone know what the power transistor does?
I feel a new/salvaged unit coming on !!!!
Part no is AMR1280
The blown part is a power MOSFET-I looked up the specs and it can switch 60A so it must have been shorted out at some stage!
I might try fitting a new one and see what happens.
Looked at the Haynes manual diagrams and to say the least they are confusing.

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