Do we have to invade Iran, Cant we, just this once, find somewhere a bit closer to home, cooler, and where the women are better looking? Sweden for instance? I wouldn't try to avoid going there!
ffs its taken you all that time to come up with that!!!!!!!! and its not even good you'll have to explain what the connection between shared butT plugs and itchy nuts is.then of course you'll have to explain to us lot what a butt plug is. maybe you could post a picture of one of your

Nope cause I don't care...................
blakey1984 said:
Do we have to invade Iran, Cant we, just this once, find somewhere a bit closer to home, cooler, and where the women are better looking? Sweden for instance? I wouldn't try to avoid going there!

i hear the yanks are gonna invade solihull unless they stop making poison gas bombs
Murkster said:
Nope cause I don't care...................

if yer didn't care, you wouldn't have posted the **** in the first place but seen as everyone has said "yawn yawn" now you are going for the old too familiar back pedal and saying you don't care. nuff said ;)
if yer didn't care, you wouldn't have posted the **** in the first place but seen as everyone has said "yawn yawn" now you are going for the old too familiar back pedal and saying you don't care. nuff said ;)
I do give a **** about ID cards, and stand by all I posted. But I dont care to explain what a butt plug is, get the context correct....:rolleyes:
may be you could start www.idogivea**** and then you and your buttplug friends can be careing there
I agree with you Slob, I was asleep before I got more than a few sentences into the post - and then just skipped to the replies!

We are still coming out of the last Ice Age so I think perhaps it should be getting warmer..??

Keep up with events Murkster - the UK is now supposed to be getting colder due to global warming, or should I say 'climate change' as they now call it since they really haven't got a clue what is going on.

that should be you're not your. but then i don't think you care

Correct... 10/10 and I don't............

We (as in the human race) are still coming out of the last Ice Age so I think perhaps it should be getting warmer..?? << Question marks......

And thx for keeping this thread alive, I love you all... :)
we're a compassssstionate bunch hear, we hate to see a thread die even crap ones. apart from that this thread of your is probelly the nearest yule get to having a child. so the rest of us know how you feel about it. i bet you even buy it presents
How come people get so wound up about their whereabouts, DNA and you name it being stored or tracked and yet if you own a mobile phone and have it registered in your name the police/goverment and phone company can trace your wherabouts down to the nearest 5 meters? Now moan about DNA....Oh no - its the men in bla.....
because they can't think of **** all better to do.. like me they have free time on their hands and rather than spend it posting meaningful posts on landyzone they chose to post bollocks about 'big brother' personally i've never see the program so i don't know what is all about, not so long ago we had a fruit cake telling us about the dangers of exploding bushes. these people need something to be afraid of so if it ain't there they'll invent it. bit like the yanks in that respect.
p.s i keep my phone in a lead box that way they can't trace me
slob said:
these people need something to be afraid of so if it ain't there they'll invent it.

Anyone read State of Fear by Michael Crichton?

It's probably where ****stir got his ideas from.:D

I'm just waiting for a 'Da Vinci Code' related post :rolleyes: