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No identity card? You could be fined £2,500

Town hall bureaucrats are to be given sweeping new powers to investigate homes for identity card evasion and to impose heavy fines on occupants found without one.

The revelation, in an obscure Whitehall consultation paper, calls into serious doubt the Government's repeated promises that planned ID cards, already hugely controversial, will be voluntary and that no one will be forced to carry one.???

Telegraph Link
The government plans to attempt to link together all its databases in a system referred to as CORE Co-ordinated Online Record of Elector, which will tie in the management and control of all facets of life for a UK citizen to one central database.

Another addition to this CORE of databases will be the national DNA database.

The British government has passed legislation to make every offence arrestable. Every suspect arrested, even if proven innocent, has their DNA added to the criminal database and stored forever in perpetuity.

Under Section 44 of the Terrorism Act, police can approach any person whatsoever, whether they are acting suspiciously or not, and demand they provide their full details, address and date of birth.

This information is kept forever in perpetuity. 119,000 people have already had their details recorded and this figure will skyrocket after the post 7/7 figures are added.

The London independent reported last week that police in Britain hold vastly more DNA samples than any other country in the Western world, and many are from people who have never committed a crime. More than three million samples have been added to the national DNA database - more than 5 per cent of the population, and this is rising exponentially.

And what kind of evil criminals are being swabbed for DNA collection? Well take the case of a 13-year-old schoolgirl who was arrested in Ashford, Kent for throwing a snowball at a police car. As reported by the New Statesman, she was DNA-swabbed and her details were added to the National DNA Database. Thank God the government is protecting us from these snowball throwing subversives.

Without ANY parliamentary debate or legislation, every person in this country is being targeted for inclusion on a DNA database from birth. Hundreds of thousands of children aged between 10 and 18 have had their DNA added to the database despite never being cautioned or charged for any offence.

Worse even still, "do it yourself" ID card and DNA swabbing kits are being aimed at and sold for children. We are witnessing the acclimatization of our children to the biometric surveillance police state, making them think that having your retina scanned and your DNA logged is normal and necessary to keep you safe.

But of course "you dont care" because "I'm alright Jack" even when your children and grandchildren's freedoms and liberties are being disolved....

que pointless comments...... ??
Ain't you got something similar over on your side of the Channel Slob? How does it work? Is it a PITA or something everyone just accepts (with a Gallic shrug)? :cool:
personally i think id cards are a good idea, the only people that should be worried are the ones with something to hide ;)
Murkster - a very long post, lots of pseudo detail and at the end of it a call to arms, trying to prick our concience.

All in vain I'm afraid. The reason I won't get off my middle class, middle aged arse is that the self same sources also tell me that either I'll be dead from bird flu or have drowned or scorched or frozen from global warming - all caused by me burning fossil fuel.

Sorry, good try, nice tug at the emotive strings - but I don't care.
Gareth Coe said:
Ain't you got something similar over on your side of the Channel Slob? How does it work? Is it a PITA or something everyone just accepts (with a Gallic shrug)? :cool:

no idea but then i only found out today my four wheel flatbed trailor should have a 'log book'
i did hear somrthing about the natives having some kinda passport/id thingy but i think thats just for travel on main land europe..but what do i know i try my best to stay hidden from any kind of govermental political people.
Sorry, good try, nice tug at the emotive strings - but I don't care.

Fair enough...

There has so far been 35 views of the post and thats what it is about raising awareness, to a group that have more interesting subjects on their minds, and of course dropping of the Ostrich attitude...


Bird Flu will dissapear, because its a load of crap, remember SARS..??
We are still coming out of the last Ice Age so I think perhaps it should be getting warmer..??

Iran next on the plan because they have WMD's, where did I here that before..?? then Syria then Pakistan, why..?? go figure... and its not Oil (although it helps)....
hey murky why don't you try posting on a forum where people really give a **** instead of pestering us with your political bollocks.

just a thought ;)

The police have already got my DNA. I was arrested for punching the **** out of an irritating ****.

Sorry, good try, nice tug at the emotive strings - but I don't care.
Don't start that not careing malarky again.
Murkster said:
Bird Flu will dissapear, because its a load of crap, remember SARS..??
We are still coming out of the last Ice Age so I think perhaps it should be getting warmer..??

Iran next on the plan because they have WMD's, where did I here that before..?? then Syria then Pakistan, why..?? go figure... and its not Oil (although it helps)....

Then perhaps you'll realise the ID scare is also a bunch of chattering fools stirring themselves into a frenzy & boring the pants of the general population.
Personally I find having a proper ID card bluddy useful. Quite a revelation being able to prove who you are without having to carry utility bills, post-marked envelopes or whatever else around with you.

Also, having had six attempts made to nick my identity since leaving Blighty I'm all in favour of doing anything that makes life more difficult for the worthless, lowlife scum who do stuff like this. Shame is the system is all set up to spot the fraud attempts but SFA seems to be in place to nail the little ****es who do it.

ffs its taken you all that time to come up with that!!!!!!!! and its not even good you'll have to explain what the connection between shared butT plugs and itchy nuts is.then of course you'll have to explain to us lot what a butt plug is. maybe you could post a picture of one of your