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Sitting at the side of the road waiting for recovery truck to come get me (alternater has packed up) with the bonnet up so obviously broken down and 4 land rovers so far gone past 3 of them pimped up off roaders and yet nobody stops to ask if I'm alright what the f###. So much for us boys sticking together I'm disappointed to say the least.
Only a thought..............

Was it safe for them to stop ?

Perhaps they didn't have time, other engagement, time pressing ?

If in a layby was it to late to see bonnet up ?

Like I said only a thought.........?

Also the world we live in is not a safe one and not like it used to be.
Serves you right for buying a freelander :D

Kidding aside, just because you own a vauxhall, doesn't mean every vauxhall owner should pull over.

If you were in real dire straights, I'm sure a post in the lzr forum would get you a lot of help.
To be honest, I'm usually concentrating on driving rather than looking at broken down vehicles by the side of the road.

Most of today was on the A1 driving down from Durham area to Rushden, and I saw one broken down Rangie I think it was, but I was pulling the trailer doing 60mph and just not in a position to even try to stop, I would have been half a mile past by the time I'd made the decision and pulled over.

On rural roads you are going slower, less other traffic to worry about and would have been solo with no trailer.

Sitting at the side of the road waiting for recovery truck to come get me (alternater has packed up) with the bonnet up so obviously broken down and 4 land rovers so far gone past 3 of them pimped up off roaders and yet nobody stops to ask if I'm alright what the f###. So much for us boys sticking together I'm disappointed to say the least.

your fault

there is lzir
No no no I was in the disco not the freelander and it was a dead straight quiet ish road.I would always stop to ask if I could help.anyway home now thanks AA and yes it was my fault Should've stayed out of the muddy water at bures today. But it's so much fun!!! New alternater please.
Sitting at the side of the road waiting for recovery truck to come get me (alternater has packed up) with the bonnet up so obviously broken down and 4 land rovers so far gone past 3 of them pimped up off roaders and yet nobody stops to ask if I'm alright what the f###. So much for us boys sticking together I'm disappointed to say the least.

You seen Texas chain saw massacre? We all know how that ended when someone stopped to 'help!'
Fanatic can I replace bushes in altenater or whole thing?

Depending on the rest of it (brushes windings etc.)
impact gun and puller and bearings-has it just **** itself or only noisy?

Also disco alt not vastly expensive
Gave it a light knock this morning and some wd40 then fired it up and it's charging but a run around the block the battery light came on went off a couple of times there's no noise though as such. ??
Modern vehicles, it's either something dead simple or needs a pickup - not a lot you can do to help.

Also, once on a time you would stop to see if they wanted you to call a tow truck when you got to a phone, nowadays everybody has a mobile (tho we have plenty of dead areas round here).
Probably just needs a set of brushes, and while it's off the engine, do the bearings as well.

Remember that the heavy output cable is live to the battery, take battery off before playing!

Sitting at the side of the road waiting for recovery truck to come get me (alternater has packed up) with the bonnet up so obviously broken down and 4 land rovers so far gone past 3 of them pimped up off roaders and yet nobody stops to ask if I'm alright what the f###. So much for us boys sticking together I'm disappointed to say the least.

were you standing by your truck in high vis flagging someone down for help?

Did you need help? I mean, you'd called for recovery, so, you had things in hand...

I have, on several occassions, turned round to head back and see if anyone needs help - all but 1 of those times they've all said they are just waiting for recovery - let's face it, if you own a landy and don't have recovery you're a bit of an idiot... or psychopathic murderer... neither of which you'd want to meet!

(p.s. psychopathic is a really hard word to spell :confused:)
I've calmed down now but at the time I just needed a bit of a rant.your right recovery was in hand and I had no need for anyone to stop I just like whingeing.while I'm at it Christ how hard is it to access alternater on td5 disco.very awkward.
I've calmed down now but at the time I just needed a bit of a rant.your right recovery was in hand and I had no need for anyone to stop I just like whingeing.while I'm at it Christ how hard is it to access alternater on td5 disco.very awkward.

Ah D2... unlucky! Good luck taking it off :)

Although, i imagine it is no easier on the D3... I also believe that is the next thing to fail on mine (statistically speaking)
If you broke down in a series landy,anouther series landy would stop to help but you might not see one all week.If you broke down in a 3 wheeler,someone in a 3 wheeler would stop to help,but you might not see one of those ither.Disco's are in there thousands and not really got the same commeradi really.But that's just my oppinion.

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