Dave Hurst

New Member
Hi Folks
I skidded of road yesterday into a snow drift, after about an hour of fwd and reverse to try and rock it out I suddenly lost forward drive but can still get reverse, the car was grounded out and had to leave it abandoned like an old sock... we managed to get it out with the aid of some Japanese pretender but still no forward drive this morning, any ideas, what could it be, where should I start feeding the money too.
As above - put it in to 1st and once moving go into D - if you get moving then as above the sprag is fecked - note: if you stop at a junction or lights etc, you'll need to go back into 1st to move off, then back into D again!
Double RR and Saint V8 thanks for that I have just tried and I still have reverse but no forward momentum but I do get the gearbox fault warning when I switch off, any more ideas and suggestions most welcome.
Have you tried the 1st gear get moving then into D? as suggested above as you don't say whether you did or not?

If you did and still no forward drive - then I think it is time to get it on diagnostics to see why the gearbox fault message is displayed.
If its not an exchange replacement box you are looking at, may be worth keeping the old box and having it serviced assuming you are
keeping the car for a long while.

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