
New Member
Oh here we go again. more probs if any one wants to help. stared me old girl the series IIa yesterday. she ran fine. then turned here off. then went to start her again. and had no power anywhere. the battery is fine. the ignition lights don't light. the headlights don't light. She is well and truly dead. oh yeah and i have checked the fuses
i'g getting lost with earth wire. i know that there is power running through the solenoid if thats any help
go back to yer battery and check that the 'BLACK' wire has clean and tight connections.
aye but what abart where it bolts onto the body? is the body all nice and shiney or is it rust?
all new bolts
it annoys me cos it was literally an hour or so then it wnet. i thought a fuse blew so i checked it. the igniton lights went on then off straight away
if yer battery is good and yer earth is good and you got power at yer sillynoid yer gonna have to git yer leccy meter out and start tracing yer wires till you dunt got no leccy.
it has an alternator. i hopefully have sourced it to the regulator box. by accident i touched the two left hand connectors and everything worked. but then a small puff of smoke and it all stopped. just wondering why it still needs the regulator when it has no dynamo??????
it has a regulator still cos who ever put the alt in dint know how to remove it and still have yer alt workin
right then mr slob any ideas how we can eradicate the need for the regulator. i have it out as its' knackered. just soldered it together. But if there is a way and i'm sure that there. do u know it????????????
take yer small wire from yer alt and connect to yer dash warning light... then take the main wire from alt and connect to yer battery..
this is from memory so i could have forgot summun but ah dint think so
lots of sites say i need to remove the regulator box completely. and al the wires to go with it. but do u think this will be the reason why i have to power anywhere not even lights???????
you can leave it on and just use it as a huge connector fer you wires or you can remove it and join yer wires up. or if yer really keen remove it and the wires and replace the wires wiff new ones that dint got no joins in them.
and wiffoot seeing it and testing stuff its hard to pin point eggactly wur the fault is
the biggest prob is someone else has fittted the alternator and i'm not sure what wires have been crossed. so i think its gonna be best to rip it out and start again. especially as the regulator has broken. when i crossed two wires earlier it all worked these were the wires to the left of the box if u can picture it.
if i remember reet you have to join the two big brown wires at the regulator.
so if you bung a new wire in straight from alt to batt you will acheive the same thing
i always removed em and put in a simple junction box.
cant remember the exact wiring off hand, but a google search should get a result.
right got it. take the three bigger wires connect them together.then the charge lightand connect it to alternator and roberts your uncles brother
i don't think its the three of them
all you need it a wire from the alt to the battery so find out which two it is then join them together..

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