OK, have jacked it up at the front, bar on wheel nut, wheel turns and turns propshaft. So that would mean that the viscous coupling works, right?
I have only jacked up one wheel (the right front) and it turned stiffly, which I had a look what actually turned, even opened the bonnet to see if the engine turned as well (just in case...) It made no difference if it was in gear or not.
So, that leaves me with the option gearbox shot or clutch, both box out options as you don't think it is worth having a look at the transfer input shaft. Is there a third option, like crankshaft thrustwasher fallen out or other delightful things?
So, that leaves me with the option gearbox shot or clutch, both box out options as you don't think it is worth having a look at the transfer input shaft. Is there a third option, like crankshaft thrustwasher fallen out or other delightful things?
you havent got an input gear you can check without removing the transfer box ,can you hear anything with engine running while moving the stick thru the gears
you cant hear any gear noises or feel any engaging whilst engines running ?,rear mainshaft on an r380 can shear off but you feel gears even if no drive out ,have you checked oil condition in box ,if there was no drive at all to box would indicate clutch centre etc
No, nothing engaging at all. I can put it in any gear including reverse, without the slightest change in engine noise / noise, grating or anything, can move transfer box lever high-low and so on. I have not looked at the oil, but had changed oil about 1 k before without anything falling out the plug hole. I suppose I could drain the box again and check for metal bits. It just bugs me that it should be the clutch centre, because the clutch is virtually new.
I know this is suck eggs...and I am very sure you have checked, but couldn't see any reference to it - but is the gear lever actually moving the selector thingies?? (not a gearbox man - I have no idea what they are called- forks/rods ??)
Actually, I didn't. If you move the lever, you can feel the forks moving and the resistance of the revering gear gate. I did have that happen once, but that was on a Mini ;-)

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