
Well-Known Member
Damn. Just seen this

Sorry if someone has already posted that.

The British Motor Industry Heritage Trust think my car was built in 1979, but it was a Complete Knock Down kit that was exported and assembled overseas...and was only registered in the UK in 1981 (it's an X reg). And I've got no way of proving it's any older as they don't have any records of CKD's, apparently.

So I've got to wait another years before I can claim historic status (which isn't too bad), and I was planning on switching to black/silver plates at the same time. But it seems I'll no longer be allowed to do that. Shame...I was looking forward to giving it a genuine historic look. :(
I thought 1973 was the cut off for black/white plates but yellow/black can be used on any year?
Not googled it though just going off memory.
It was but then when they started the historic tax rolling again they accidentally included black and silver plates and they've just closed the loophole so now stops at 1980
Unless your local boddies are busy chasing petty crims, no one will bat an eyelid at an old car with old style plates on.
It was but then when they started the historic tax rolling again they accidentally included black and silver plates and they've just closed the loophole so now stops at 1980
I suspect the intention *was* to link black/silver plates to historic status, but then someone noticed that SPECS speed cameras wouldn't detect black/silver plates, so they've backtracked on it. Not that many Land Rovers would bother many speed cameras...

Never mind. Would have been nice, and to have missed out on it by one year is a little annoying, especially when the car actually *is* old enough, and I just can't prove it.
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I fitted a set of black and silver plates to my 1972 Series 3 when I rebuilt it.

I know for a fact that supermarket car park ANPR cannot detect the plates. There is a local supermarket that shows your plate on a display when you drive in. The display also says you have two hours allowed parking time. The black and silver plate does not show on this display.

Am I right that if you are caught with them on a car that can't legally have them, the police will insist that you change them and prove you have replaced them? I believe you can be given points on your license if caught again.
So who can tell the difference between a 1979 Land Rover and a 1981 one ? Personally I would bung some black and white ones on and say that they were already on it when you bought it . Then plead ignorance if stopped by the rozzers . What is the worst they can do? Other than confiscate your vehicle , having it crushed and you spending ten years in the chokey sharing a cell with a gay biker called Shirley ?
So who can tell the difference between a 1979 Land Rover and a 1981 one ?
The problems is that the one thing they can use to determine the age of the Landy is the number plate! And an X reg says 1981. The fact that it's actually old enough to quality is lost by the fact that registration is too recent.

The other thing I may struggle with is finding somewhere to actually get the plates made up. Reputable place manufacturers need evidence of the vehicle ownership, and I can imagine they might baulk at making up plates for a vehicle that's too new, as I guess they could be accountable in some way...?

Anyone know an unreputable place that can make up pressed metal plates? :D
The problems is that the one thing they can use to determine the age of the Landy is the number plate! And an X reg says 1981. The fact that it's actually old enough to quality is lost by the fact that registration is too recent.

The other thing I may struggle with is finding somewhere to actually get the plates made up. Reputable place manufacturers need evidence of the vehicle ownership, and I can imagine they might baulk at making up plates for a vehicle that's too new, as I guess they could be accountable in some way...?

Anyone know an unreputable place that can make up pressed metal plates? :D


Not long had some white on black made, they did a nice job of them for a reasonable price and I didn't have to produce any paperwork at all. Loads of styles available. Took about 10 days to get them in post.
The problems is that the one thing they can use to determine the age of the Landy is the number plate! And an X reg says 1981. The fact that it's actually old enough to quality is lost by the fact that registration is too recent.

The other thing I may struggle with is finding somewhere to actually get the plates made up. Reputable place manufacturers need evidence of the vehicle ownership, and I can imagine they might baulk at making up plates for a vehicle that's too new, as I guess they could be accountable in some way...?

Anyone know an unreputable place that can make up pressed metal plates? :D

Show plates, wink wink
Buy a cheap old plate transfer it and stick it on black and whites, sorted. Only get rumbled if old bill pnc the vehicle and are sufficiently clued up to know that it isnt old enough. Most youd get would be a VDRS to put correct plates on it.

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