Greetings to everyone from Tenerife, but my TD4 does not like the heat !:doh:
On a nasty bend and a steep incline my freelander would not go any further and ground to an abrupt halt...... blast.
The clutch was down and the engine was ticking over nicely but a 'yellow' engine warning light came on and stayed on. So, I tried to move on but realised that the accelerator pedal was not giving me any revs !
Having let the car slide back and off the road out of any danger...... I then restarted the engine (first time) and again saw the 'yellow' engine warning light. Again the car was ticking over nicely but the pedal did not increase the revs even at standstill. :mad:
Having left it for half an hour the problem disappeared !
I have also been suffering gentle motorway surges recently.... Could this also be an indication that the accelerator pot and wiring needs checking.
There is something beneath the pedal isn't there but where does the wiring go and How do I check it?
Where would I be without this forum?
Answer:- Parked in the underground car park.........:cool:
There should be a fault code logged. It may or may not be anything to do with the TPS. It could be a fuel supply problem for example?
Thanks Chaser

I forget to admit that I had just come from the Local dealer and paid €70 for a Test to see what faults were logged...... there were none.... and this had happened on the motorway 3 times over the previous 2 days !
His diagnostic machine went a bit ballistic when it found that I was running a synergy system... (he he he)
Somehow I do not think that it is the fuel pump(s), but..........
Think that I may change the TPS first (least expensive?) then maybe look at the common rail side of things as the mechanic sprayed them with cleaner as he felt they could be part of the prob...
sensors here... sensors there..... bloody sensors everywhere.....
any other binput greatly appreciated
Carefully check the wiring to the fuel rail pressure sensor and also to the pressure regulator on the pump.

Don't know if you have it but I recall a similar case which turned out to be a connection at a cruise control interface.

Loss of TPS signal should instigate a default fast idle so if you had only normal idle speed that could possibly indicate the trouble is elsewhere??

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