i noticed yesterday that my front number plate was missing,now i know it was there saturday.it was fitted to my front flap under the windscreen and was held on with velcro and a huge blob of silicone so it wouldnt have just fell off,could it have been nicked and is it worth saying anything to the rozzers,but why would someone nick the front and not the back?im defo sure it wouldnt have fell of cos when i put it on with the velcro and silicone just to b sure. it wasnt straight so i tryed to remove it to staighten it and it was a bastid to get off again
report it to the rozzers,as me mates brother had his plates pinched a few weeks back off his rover.he had a knock at the door a few days later at 5.00 in the mornin by a few plod men wanting to know where he was between the hours of...............................:D:D:eek:
mmmm good point..i spose if i report it and it does turn out someones nicked em least i should be in the clear as long as i can prove where i was
Report it to the rozzers, There will be a marker sent to the national Police computer and if you get hassle from someone using your plates , it will all be record. :)

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