
Well-Known Member
In my local parts shop today fella behind counter ( 90 owner ) told me that he knew of 5 landies that have been nicked in the last couple of weeks from Basildon/Wickford area, CCTV of one shows a silver EVO with black roof and black wheels loitering before hand and following a stolen one from scene. also same car seen at scene of at least one other theft. Spoke to one of the guys who had one stolen and told him to post pics of said EVO on here. Fellow Essex owners beware and eyes peeled for scumbag in an EVO.
In my local parts shop today fella behind counter ( 90 owner ) told me that he knew of 5 landies that have been nicked in the last couple of weeks from Basildon/Wickford area, CCTV of one shows a silver EVO with black roof and black wheels loitering before hand and following a stolen one from scene. also same car seen at scene of at least one other theft. Spoke to one of the guys who had one stolen and told him to post pics of said EVO on here. Fellow Essex owners beware and eyes peeled for scumbag in an EVO.

Posted this earlier, keep your eyes open
there's a thread here that even shows the video of that Evo....here or on landywatch, cant remember for sure
Easiest way to stop your 90's from getting nicked is to paint it BRIGHT PINK. Seriously, I don't know why people don't take my advice.
Easiest way to stop your 90's from getting nicked is to paint it BRIGHT PINK. Seriously, I don't know why people don't take my advice.

I cant be bothered to search for the thread, but last year someone nicked a bright pink Discovery....

so your advice is no good... :p
Easiest way to stop your 90's from getting nicked is to paint it BRIGHT PINK. Seriously, I don't know why people don't take my advice.

Maybe cos someone on here had a disco that was painted bright pink stolen. I rekon it wasd a jealous gaylander owner myself.:D:D:D
It's a real shame we don't get them all reported on here and with photos so we know what to look out for. I sometimes wonder whether the guy Im waving at in a defender coming in the other direction is the owner or has just nicked it.

I'll definitely keep an eye out for that evo.

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