Adrian Flux Insurance - Click Here to get a quote!


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Well my 110 has come up for renewal so I though I would give NFU a try as most people seem to rate them quite well.
I called Monday went through the policy details. They gave me a good price so I said I would go ahead. The person I was speaking to on the phone said he would need to run the policy details past a colleague to make sure it was all correct and he would call me the following day. Fair enough I thought as it was quite close to their closing time. Well the call never materialised so I called them back and they've now withdrawn the offer of the policy saying I need to be an existing customer or I need to take out other products such as home insurance or insurance on another car to have the policy. What the heck is that all about. I just want to insure my 110.
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They never even bothered to ring me back after spending half an hour going over all my details with them...

Awesome customer service right there :confused:
I've been with the NFU for an few years now always had great service. The local office has 6 people work in it and I know them all by name.its strange to hear of them being poor on customer service.
I had the same when I first tried to insure drover in the local NFU office - trekked over there 20 mile round trip!!
Ran through the quote to get given a price which was a bit high but doable - then get told sorry we won't be bothering with you as you don't have any business with us?!?
How the holy feck do you get started with such a backward firm - they wuz recommended to me by the FiL who's been with them fer years with the horses, houses and various vehicles. Was even able to give them his policy numbers etc.
I even said that I'd have a house quote and bring the other cars to them when due, but OH No.. not good enough.. so off to Flux I toddled!
Well my 110 has come up for renewal so I though I would give NFU a try as most people seem to rate them quite well.
I called Monday went through the policy details. They gave me a good price so I said I would go ahead. The person I was speaking to on the phone said he would need to run the policy details past a colleague to make sure it was all correct and he would call me the following day. Fair enough I thought as it was quite close to their closing time. Well the call never materialised so I called them back and they've now withdrawn the offer of the policy saying I need to be an existing customer or I need to take out other products such as home insurance or insurance on another car to have the policy. What the heck is that all about. I just want to insure my 110.
Personally I wouldn't touch anything about NFU with a bargepole!
And I am a farmer! :)
I had the same when I first tried to insure drover in the local NFU office - trekked over there 20 mile round trip!!
Ran through the quote to get given a price which was a bit high but doable - then get told sorry we won't be bothering with you as you don't have any business with us?!?
How the holy feck do you get started with such a backward firm - they wuz recommended to me by the FiL who's been with them fer years with the horses, houses and various vehicles. Was even able to give them his policy numbers etc.
I even said that I'd have a house quote and bring the other cars to them when due, but OH No.. not good enough.. so off to Flux I toddled!

same here... i know flux get grief but when my 300tdi was half inched they were great! paid out exactly what I had paid for it, no fuss...
I've never had a problem with NFU, on quotes, service and claims, but because they-have independent agents , some are much better than others
Same, NFU has always been amazing with any dealings I have had with them, go back to them every time. And they have never been a problem when making a claim (which is the most crucial thing). Sucks that some of you have had a bad time with them though...

Same with anywhere maybe, it only takes one idiot on the other end of the phone to leave a bad impression!
Well I called them again this afternoon just to speak to someone new and to get it clear in my head. But It does seem that to get any business with them I need to already have business with them in the form of house insurance or another motor policy. I even told them I wanted to have my policy with them as I've heard good things about their cover with older landies.
It seems a bit backward saying they won't take on a new customer unless you are a existing customer. That makes great business sense. I went back to Flux. I must admit I've never had any issue with Adrian flux and the price is good, but also I've never had to make a claim with Flux either.
I have to say unfortunately I probably won't ever bother trying NFU again. It wasted 3 days calling backwards and forwards
I went back to Flux. I must admit I've never had any issue with Adrian flux and the price is good, but also I've never had to make a claim with Flux either.

Hi Locky,

Glad to see we were able to assist, if you ever have any queries please just PM me and I'll try to assist!

I'm with NFU, get good service when I call the local office, but after hours is a bit poor as you get redirected to a regional office.
Only niggle is that they cover me for uk breakdown at a reasonable price, but when I called to say I was going to france they said it would only be £33 extra, but they can't cover me as the 110 is over 20 years old. Boo!
I called NFU today and had a good experience with them, got cover no problems and i wasnt an existing customer either, even got trailer cover of £1000 if its nicked, I did try flux first but they never even bothered to call me lol

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