
New Member
Hi to all, newbie from East Yorks here. I joined because I have just decided to hang onto my 2005 Freelander TD4 instead of constantly trading in (it's all getting a bit harder to do these days). That being the case I would like to pimp my ride a bit. The headlights on dip are a bit of a let down and on country lanes not good enough so need new bulbs to illuminate the way a bit more. The other thing is, I have had two deer narrowly miss the front end,would one of the Polymer type A frame nudge bars actually offer any protection?, there doesn't seem to be any other choices now that the steel ones are outlawed. Just finding my way around the site so if this is in the wrong place apologies,I am still getting my bearings! Good to be here
:welcome2: Them a bars might give a little protection but not a lot as the are designed to be pedestrian friendly (Soft material) If i'm wrong someone will say

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