
Active Member
Hi all!

Anyone going to Newbury this Sunday? I'll be there selling lots and lots and lots of bits and pieces... pop by and say hello, I'll be hiding behind a blue D2 and a grey (sorry) Jeep Cherokee :eek::p:p:p:rofl:

A bit far from me although I will be doing the Skipton spares day. May it sunshine on you and sell all your stock.
current funds don't allow it this time :( hoping to get along to one of the shows/sortouts this year at least then more next year
meteox is showing rain till 1030 ish then a clear window until about 1700... may not be too bad..

cheers steve
Well.. had a good day, weather wasn't too bad, sold a load of stuff and bought a few bits too, all in all made a tidy profit :)

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