Chap I know looks after the tanks at the museum down Bovington. Lucky bastid. :D
I was demobbed from Bovington, I know it very well, I have loads of pics of Tanks, if your interested in Tanks, you should join the Chieftain Tank Appreciation group on facebook, there are loads of lads on there who are interested in them. from there you can join the Centurion appreciation group and so on.
lol, The Tanks Pics. I served on Chieftain Tanks with the Tank Regiment, I was Gunner / Driver on Chieftains Mk 2, 3 &3s. and i have that as my avatar.

Haha, I don’t missing loading those buggers but do miss racing round the tank toad from Fally in my 323i :D

I was demobbed from Bovington, I know it very well, I have loads of pics of Tanks, if your interested in Tanks, you should join the Chieftain Tank Appreciation group on facebook, there are loads of lads on there who are interested in them. from there you can join the Centurion appreciation group and so on.

Think there's a 'tank porn' thread on here somewhere if you want to contribute
Ah, there's two answers to that..
1) Some journo apparently thought the Freelander looked like a hippopotamus at the release show. The nickname has stuck and is used affectionately, mostly.
2) @Hippo is a revered (& lorded) member and ferociously partisan Freelanderer. He also likes a nap... and little birdies.
Ah, there's two answers to that..
1) Some journo apparently thought the Freelander looked like a hippopotamus at the release show. The nickname has stuck and is used affectionately, mostly.
2) @Hippo is a revered (& lorded) member and ferociously partisan Freelanderer. He also likes a nap... and little birdies.
So I have a hippo lol now thats funny
Tis nice ter see so many rufty tufty tratterers admiring Freelander's.

Tis true the original Freelander which later became known as the Freelander 1, was referred to as er hippo as a reporter made the comment at a lr advertising event it looked like one. So it stuck. Eye fink tis a good fing fer the Freelander 2 ter inherit the accolade.
Welcome to the forum
Lr used it int their own advertising thereafter


Always wondered why they were called Hippos. Learn something new on LZ every day.

I would describe them as looking like a Toyota RAV, but with much worse build quality. I suppose it is understandable why LR don't use that in their advertising, though.

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