
New Member
Hi guys, I’ve been offered a half finished Defender 90 build with 80% new parts including a new 2017 chassis, suspension, running gear and rebuilt engine. I’ve rebuilt a few cars in my time including V8 cobra replicas.

My question is how easy is it to get a 90 through an IVA with a 2” lift kit and petrol V8? I’ve never done anything with 4x4’a so appreciate your thoughts. I don’t want to end up with a Q plate but believe as 80 + % new should be OK.
Hi and welcome!

I’ve no experience of putting a vehicle through the IVA so can’t help with that. The dvla website should have some general advice on the points system to let you know if the vehicle will need a Q plate.

Don’t forget some pics when you get it, and most importantly, decent security. Defenders get nicked at a scary rate...
Welcome to the forum

Ask over ere int tratter section over ere:

I think yer need to be careful of the new chassis which I assume is said to have replaced the old one. The tratterer's on ere will advise int more detail... but proof of what it was in it's previous life will help you int future and also stop yer buying something stolen.

Edit: It's a new vehicle, built new from scratch with no old chassis.
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Welcome to the forum

Ask over ere int tratter section over ere:

I think yer need to be careful of the new chassis which I assume is said to have replaced the old one. The tratterer's on ere will advise int more detail... but proof of what it was in it's previous life will help you int future and also stop yer buying something stolen.

Thanks Hippo. It’s a complete new build. New chassis. It’s being built up in standard 90 spec with a lift kit and V8
If its totally new and never existed before then I'm not sure where that leaves you.
Best Wishes & Good Luck.
Hi I would think if all new parts it could be inspected and registered as new but with 80% new parts would be like a kit car and would have a Q plate as can not give you a age related plate as it has no age? do they still do Q plates? I would think it will be a pain and would ask the seller to register it before buying it then you do not get stuck with something that can not be registered

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