
Active Member
I bought a Disco '96 V8 blind off eBay. I'd been looking at loads for weeks and this one had everything I was after. Little bit of an impulse buy as the auction only had a few minutes left when I spotted it.

Before taking delivery I had numerous negative comments about it being a rot box. Post delivery not one negative comment to be heard. To be honest I wasn't expecting much for £1k, but was presently surprised. Someone has looked after this in the past.
:welcome2: to the mad house:D:D:D :nopics::rulez: otherwise we'll all assume that you've actually bought a Gaylander:eek::eek::eek::eek:
Gay lander??? What's that all about?

Just the images off the eBay advert. I need to get some of my own done (when I can get around to washing it)



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