
New Member
Just thought I'd post this and say hello.
Hopefully I'll be posting a lot over this coming year about my landy project so it's always good to introduce yourself to ppl who'll help you.
Any advice on bulkhead repairs? Got rotting starting to come through near door hinges :(
Well, you've followed proper protocol and introduced yourself, so maybe one of the kinder, smarter folks will give you some help.

I'm neither so all I can do is offer a :welcome2:
Just thought I'd post this and say hello.
Hopefully I'll be posting a lot over this coming year about my landy project so it's always good to introduce yourself to ppl who'll help you.
Any advice on bulkhead repairs? Got rotting starting to come through near door hinges :(
you can get repair pieces for those look on yrm repair panels ,since its probably rotten elsewhere on the ulkhead you may want to remove it and do it fully
Yes would rather replace whole bulkhead. While I'm at it, purchase galvanised chassis too. Anybody know any costs and where to look for the parts and places to send it for the work to be carried out?
Got my new chassis from Richards Chassis, very helpful bunch of guys, delivered to me on time and was an identical replacement no problems. And welcome too.
Cheers for the welcome from everybody.
Well Richards it is then :)
Will be starting to take pictures of it in the coming weeks as it stands then the nightmares begin!

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