Xedi Billy

New Member
Became freelander owner 3months ago. Hoping someone can help, I have a freelander 1 with intermittent judder when pulling off, I removed vcu to see if fault went away, unfortunately not but its a lot less severe.
Servicing vcu at present, want to refit but don't want to cause more damage :confused:
Judder sounds like clutch and dmf to me

Sounds like thats the area to concentrate on, typically a judder when pulling away indicates the Dual Mass Flywheel is borked. I hope this isnt the case as it's expensive to replace.

Best of luck!
it could be .. ( but not saying it Is ) .. the way your releasing the clutch pedal
and applying go-pedal ..

first 2 weeks i had mine .. now and again it would judder like mad when taking off
from a standstill in 1st .. .. soon figured i needed to give a tad more rpm ..
plus release the clutch pedal quicker .. .. it's no longer juddered since ..

except when a friend took it for a test drive .. ..
he be a driving instructor .. his regular car be a ford focus diesel ..
i was passenger .. and he stopped at a red light on a steep-ish uphill incline
when he engaged the clutch to go ..
the hippo juddered so much i thought he'd hit 3rd by mistake ..
( he hadn't .. was in 1st gear )

i've been driving it since feb this year ..
except for those first 2 weeks .. it's not juddered from standstill once
( although .. has stalled once or twice 'cause i hit 3rd instead of 1st :) ... )
and .. since then .. a bit more torque/go-pedal response has been added ..
which has had a positive knock-on effect with regards to gear changes in general

so .. sort of wondering if it's related to just-off-idle power with yours ..
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Yeah after a few weeks and taking prop off, I managed to feather clutch pedal and very rarely get judder now, just worried when I crawl underneath to fit prop (and struggle) I won't be taking off again 10 mins later. Thought it was originally when cold (oil or something causing slip). I do like my no motor, want everything right! Just worried it going to cost a bomb to put all right (wife says I'm too picky :D)

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