Have a 96 P38. The problem is the A/c. It works fine for about 45 mins then stops blowing cold. I hade the gas checked, was fine. Took it to dealer who ran dignostic. No faults found. They did say that the condensor fans where not cutting in though, but didn't know why. Further investigation didn't reveal anything. If the switch on the reciver drier was bridged then the fans work ok. But back to the problem! If I use it from cold the a/c is fine for about 45 min or so, then will not come cold. If I leave the vehicle for several hours it will work again, but only for another 40 min or so. The cooling fans still do not appear to cut in. I put a live feed to the fans and they worked ok, all relays and fuses seem fine. Any idea's what to check next? The dealer says he can't do anything else because it does not show or register a fault, but they agree it has a fault!!
Have you checked that the compressor is cutting in when it should. Next time it plays up, give the pulley a tap with the engine running and see if the clutch engages. If it does then all you need to do is remove the nut holding the pulley on, remove washer, and then replace nut. Bingo ! all fixed ! .Removing the washer allows for the wear in the clutch mechanism.

Give it a go and let us know what you find.
Thanks for the reply. Yes the comp does cut in as and when, but when it stops working it will not cut in under any circumstance. I've tried your suggestion a min ago but to no avail!! I've also had the fan cowling off, stopped the fan and run the car right up to the red and the fan's still didn't cut in. My air con man says this is not right, he thinks that the condensor gets too hot and the fans not cutting in then puts the system in safe mode because it is too hot and not being cooled down!! Argh, I could scream!!

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