
Active Member
Hi all! I have been a member on here before when I had a Range Rover, some swine wrote that off though:eek:

I've spent some time in the wilderness (BMW!) but have now returned to Land Rover ownership. I picked up my Defender tonight and I'm already planning what to do first.

It's a 1990 200Tdi with loads of history and a solid chassis (so far) I'll be having a proper look over it this weekend, I'll get some pics up soon as well.

I've already been looking through the forum and found plenty of advice but be warned - I intend to run it on WVO and know nothing about it, dumb ass questions are gonna follow!:D
:welcome2: first thing i would say if beef up the security on it like disc lock and or pedal box thing that goes round the pedals
Beef up the security eh? I guess I should do something about the rear door that doesn't lock, Lol
I had just been reading some of the bits in the stolen landie bit and it seems to be the Defender is the fav at the moment..
there is a lot of bits you can get for the Defender so have fun:D:D
Luckly enough mine came with the car as Rikwison says they are worth it
takes a few goes to get used to it but now it's second nature

They are all metal so no plastic to be broke ..

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