
New Member
Hello folks, new to the site. On another forum for bikes, but just got the other half into Landys as I've had them all my life! He's already fallen in love with our new (to us) Disco.

So, hello all and hope to bump (not too hard) into some of you on the local green lanes, byways and tracks soon!

Kinell, Old Sodbury itself! Welcome to the mad house, there's a few people round your ends called the T*O*S*S*E*Rs so no shortage of people to go laning with
Hi guys, thanks for the welcomes. No other landys at the mo, but will be looking for a 90 next year, then I can really show Dan (the other, not better half) what fun is. Have to use the disco for work as well, so can't go too mad in that. Get behind the wheel of a 90 though and I'll show him what they can do.

Re having a good sense of humour and a strong stomach.......last night I recounted to Dan and his sister as we were eating our home cooked hungarian Goulash how, after picking up my puppies giant **** from the road and tying the bag up, I had to pull the leads of the collies quickly....the same hand the poo bag was in. Low and behold, with a force I can only hope you have the imagination for, the **** broke the bottom of the bag as my hand stopped behind me, flew through the air with the grace of....well, ****.....and landed along a 6 foot stretch of pavement behind me.

I am a responsible dog owner, I am even a canine behaviour therapist in my spare time so I always pick up when the dogs go somewhere public. On this occasion though, I could see it all spread out and stuck to the pavement and had a sneaky look around before making a sneaky, swift exit to the field!

Dan found it hilarious as I knew he would, we can tell a story like this every day with four dogs in the house, but his sister was a little less enthused! Oh well.....**** happens....pardon the pun!

Hope to see you all about soon and who are these T.O.S.S.E.R.S. you talk of???
Hi guys,

Re having a good sense of humour and a strong stomach.......last night I recounted to Dan and his sister as we were eating our home cooked hungarian Goulash how, after picking up my puppies giant **** from the road and tying the bag up, I had to pull the leads of the collies quickly....the same hand the poo bag was in. Low and behold, with a force I can only hope you have the imagination for, the **** broke the bottom of the bag as my hand stopped behind me, flew through the air with the grace of....well, ****.....and landed along a 6 foot stretch of pavement behind me.

I am a responsible dog owner, I am even a canine behaviour therapist in my spare time so I always pick up when the dogs go somewhere public. On this occasion though, I could see it all spread out and stuck to the pavement and had a sneaky look around before making a sneaky, swift exit to the field!

Hi. I thought you might like this i found on the net.

Dog-fouling detectives go undercover In the UK, dog cr*p is a big problem; well, it's a big problem everywhere else too. "Undercover surveillance could be used to crack down on dog-fouling in Copeland. The council's enforcement team have announced they are prepared to use "all action necessary" to stamp out on the nuisance." [does 'necessary' mean more violent means are possible: could we have a poop war?]

Good luck with your disco. God Bless. Johnny
Hi guys, thanks for the welcomes. No other landys at the mo, but will be looking for a 90 next year, then I can really show Dan (the other, not better half) what fun is. Have to use the disco for work as well, so can't go too mad in that. Get behind the wheel of a 90 though and I'll show him what they can do.

Re having a good sense of humour and a strong stomach.......last night I recounted to Dan and his sister as we were eating our home cooked hungarian Goulash how, after picking up my puppies giant **** from the road and tying the bag up, I had to pull the leads of the collies quickly....the same hand the poo bag was in. Low and behold, with a force I can only hope you have the imagination for, the **** broke the bottom of the bag as my hand stopped behind me, flew through the air with the grace of....well, ****.....and landed along a 6 foot stretch of pavement behind me.

I am a responsible dog owner, I am even a canine behaviour therapist in my spare time so I always pick up when the dogs go somewhere public. On this occasion though, I could see it all spread out and stuck to the pavement and had a sneaky look around before making a sneaky, swift exit to the field!

Dan found it hilarious as I knew he would, we can tell a story like this every day with four dogs in the house, but his sister was a little less enthused! Oh well.....**** happens....pardon the pun!

Hope to see you all about soon and who are these T.O.S.S.E.R.S. you talk of???

Fooking funny, your gonna fit right in. Welcome giggles. :D

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