Hi All,

Thought i'd start a quick thread to say hello.

Im from Stourbridge in the West Midlands, about to buy my first land rover (after a crazy pay & play day with a few mates!!)

Me and my mates are looking for any info on local(ish) green lanes, pay & plays, etc.
I will be keeping an extensive list of where/ when we go which I am more than happy to share with other members.

Also, I am a bit of a computer nerd so if anyone has any computer problems or needs advice on anything computer related i'd be more than happy to help!... just drop me a message/email

Over & Out.
:welcome2: to the asylum, and if I were you, I'd change me log-in, unless of course you want all the spam under the sun arriving in your mailbox!! :rolleyes:
big hello from bilston , join the social group called the Midlandys all local poeple on the forum :)
Thanks for the welcome messages all...

Dirty Gertie - I didnt know my email was going to be my display name! Doh!! Ar well, a few more viagra/ free porn/ nigerian lottery emails cant hurt :)

Shady - Sorted, cheers for that... joined up

Sirus - Another person from 'the bridge' !?.. sure i've spoke to you on a forum in the past, maybe to do with sat/cable stuff or something?? Could just be going crazy!!
Thanks for the welcome messages all...

Dirty Gertie - I didnt know my email was going to be my display name! Doh!! Ar well, a few more viagra/ free porn/ nigerian lottery emails cant hurt :)

Shady - Sorted, cheers for that... joined up

Sirus - Another person from 'the bridge' !?.. sure i've spoke to you on a forum in the past, maybe to do with sat/cable stuff or something?? Could just be going crazy!!

Not me.....well not that I remember;)

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