ok well i understand how this works now, not the best introduction by myself i will admit that, but my intention was not that of a seller/spammer or a noob, i will happily wait until i hit around 200 posts before i mention any items for sale, and i promise the next 190 or so posts wont be a load of S### and will infact be interesting and helpful

i'm not sure you do understand how this forum works then :p :D
Noobs always sign up to sell their tat.....

Credit due though taking the standard spamming noob abuse like a champ unlike others, that tends to weed out the more genuine ones but no ones going to trust anything you sell until you hit over 150 anyway

Not that you posting ebay links to your poor feedback rating and "tat" because it is tat looking at the sales helps your cause

Doc think you slagged the Newbie enough, Go get some tissue and clean yourself off. And some of the tat you try to sell:rolleyes::kettlepot:
I won't and will not. This seems to be very common practice. No wonder LZ has a hard time of getting new members. Here you got a Newbie that could be a good contributor. A gentler approach should be the order
do you want to pick your teddies up or do you want me to do it for you?
I won't and will not. This seems to be very common practice. No wonder LZ has a hard time of getting new members. Here you got a Newbie that could be a good contributor. A gentler approach should be the order

Oh for ####s sake. Next you'll be wanting us to offer newbies a cup of tea and a w**k
Last edited by a moderator:
I approve the noob......he has taken the abuse like a wizards sleeve to a bowling ball

Also my sheep faced apprentice did a fine job in my absence! Continue.....
Last edited by ratty; Today at 19:14. Reason: Any more naughty words and it'll soon be holiday time

It won't get said again :mad:

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