That looks massively overpriced to me. £8k for a Cat C vehicle??

Galv chassis is a big plus but I wouldn't pay more than £6k for it as it stands.
Nice looking vehicle and if it has all the history and recipts its worth a look. However the chequred plating is going to be hidding rust, especially round the rear door c-pillars. 300tdis seem to be warrenting high money now. I paid 8 grand for my csw last january and have spent an other 3 since then on repairs.....take someone with you if your unsure
I paid 3.5k for my '96 110csw with 130k.

Ok it needs tidying a bit, but no more than about £500 worth.

Expensive IMO
Thanks gents. Trouble is we need an auto and they seem a rare as rocking horse....
Offered the guy £6.5k but he wants to let the ad run. If anyone else hears of a 110 300tdi with 11 (or 12) seats and an auto box I'm your man.
Thanks for the link Chris. No I hadn't considered it simply because I saw how much people are charging to do it. I don't know one end of a spanner from the other so couldn't do the work myself. Also this one on ebay has exactly the right seating for us. Apart from the price it ticks all the boxes. I will probably hang on and if it doesn't sell in a couple of weeks I'll offer £6k or thereabouts.
I don't know one end of a spanner from the other
not good for the wallet if you own a tdi 20ish year old defender!!
the clue is in the fact that it 80k and a folder full of receipts!
i reckon 6.5k is reasonable for that motor! galved chassis is major bonus

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