
Hi there I've just been bitten by the Landy bug !!! and I've done something I've never done before I've bought a none runner !!:D it's quite a tale so I'd better begin....I seen this Freelander td4 commercial advertised with a fault the fault was that on tickover she was running rough or lumpy..anyway I decided to ring up and find out more...apparently this Freebie was all fine up until one day the alternator decided to pack in altogether throwing all the lights on on the dash and coming to a stop..anyway new Alternator was fitted quite some time ago and everything was fine except that it became very lumpy whilst ticking over but was fine when it was actually driving only going lumpy again at junction's e.t.c. this has gone on for some time. After phoning and speaking to the guy he explained that it was his wife's car and she was at work but he'd arrange so that I could go and view anyway I got there and there she was on the drive all wet and shining (the Freebie not the owner :):):) ) the lady explained that she had knocked of work early to wash and vacuum the car to make it more presentable for sale!! as you do anyway I had a look round and thought this is just what I'm looking for !! anyway I had a look under the bonnet and the Engine was I jumped in her and tried to start her she just wouldn't have it !!!! the look on the Lady's face was one of shock she said that it always started first time every time !! any way we tried locking unlocking with the fob e.t.c. but no joy any way lady get's on phone to hubby explaining the situation I could over hear the surprise in his voice too but I knew they were telling the truth as the engine was still warm when I lifted the bonnet from when she'd driven home from work to wash and prepare the car for sale any way we decided to have a cuppa and wait for hubby to come home from work when he arrived we tried disconnecting the battery for 10 minutes but to no avail :confused: The hubby was most apologetic because when I'd phoned he was confident that it was drivable from derbyshire to Tamworth because it had driven o.k. to northumberland a few week's previously with no dramas and was being used daily by his good lady to and from work..he offered me my fuel cost's for "wasting my time" any way to cut a long story short I decided to take a gamble and offered a rock bottom price there and then which after some deliberation between the two they accepted so I've left them a sizeable deposit which they have even offered to return when I return with a mechanic and or a trailer if I change my mind (I won't ) :D Is there any body on here that could give me some advice on what might have gone wrong or even better any body in the Tamworth or Derbyshire area who'd fancy they're chances at fixing these issues for me ?? regards Graham :)
Probably best to trailer it home if you can but it does sound fuel pump related, do a search on here for the Freelander fuel pump-there are low and high pressure pumps for Freelander but they're a bit beyond my current technical knowledge (near non existent! Lol)
Well it if was running fine at high revs and under load but not at idle - I wouldn't think the fuel pump/filter caused that. Whether the current problem is related, dunno. I'd say its a crank sensor or summat. Stick a code reader on it.

But first Introduce Yourself - Land Rover Zone
it may be the cam shaft sensor if it is it will start when cold you do not say how many miles it has on, if it is around 100,000 I would start checking fuel pump and filter , what year is it ?

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So, not starting when warm (possibly not at all)
Rough at idle speed or low speed.

Doesn't sound like the fuel pump/filter to me, but no harm in replacing them. Fuel pump tends to cause problems at higher engine speeds.

Does sound more camshaft or crankshaft sensor ....... possibly. Do a search
An update had a txt this morning saying no need to book a trailer as the Freebie started first turn of the key this morning !!!!
Would a cam sensor issue cause the engine to tickover poorly but run normal when actually driving ??

Thats a good question, mine was doing the same thing, surging and failing to start, but once running it was fine until recently. Hence my own post 2.0 L series engine trouble.
Sounds more like injector problems to me. Possibly the cam sensor, if it didn't start when warm, but this problem is most likely one or more injectors not pressuring properly. Do a leak back test on it or get a garage to do it and they will diagnose this problem easily if that's what it is.

This problem mostly manifests when the engine is warm, btw. So don't be over surprised that it started fine from cold.

It could be the fuel pressure sensor as well. Worth cleaning up the connector for starters. It's on the gearbox end of the fuel rail.
If it is the cam sensor it's easy to diagnose as well:

Get the engine well warmed up and so that the warm-start problem occurs. Take the cam sensor off (one plug and a bolt, it's located by the injector on the alternator end of the engine), put it in the freezer for 10 mins or so and then refit it. If it starts then that's most likely your problem as cam sensors usually fail when hot.
If it is the cam sensor it's easy to diagnose as well:

Get the engine well warmed up and so that the warm-start problem occurs. Take the cam sensor off (one plug and a bolt, it's located by the injector on the alternator end of the engine), put it in the freezer for 10 mins or so and then refit it. If it starts then that's most likely your problem as cam sensors usually fail when hot.

Cheer's for the input Think i'll test Cam sensor first, then get my diesel mechanic to check the injectors :cool:
Slightly off-topic, but I take it from your username that you're an angler ? Or a "camper" as some sections of the angling community would have it !!
My td4 did this not long after I bought it. I would be out and it would warm up nicely and drive fine. When I stopped and went back to it, it struggled to start. It ended up being a faulty injector.
Here she is !! :D went and fetched her 60 odd mile pull's really well cruising at 70 on the motorway just a bit lumpy on tickover but once you press the accelerator it clears and runs perfect no smoke or anything :der:
Looks good. Wot you gonna do to get it sorted then?

Don't reckon much on your security guard, btw :)

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