
New Member
Hi all,
New Freelander owner (& loving every bit of it, including its issues).

Seeking advice on where to start looking for the following problem;

No 'Engine Management' Light on dashboard when turning on ignition! I've taken the console out, cleaned everything i could (noticed it doesn't use good old fasioned bulbs!!) & put back together, still nothing. Have also checked fuses and they seem ok. This is where I start getting nervous when checking relays etc. Any help here would be appriciated.


'Downhill Descent' dash light illuminates yellow when ignition is on and dissappears when engine starts, however when I recently took it down an incline I selected first gear, selected 'button' for Descent mode, but remain unconvinced anything worked!! No light on swith or dash. Again I checked all fusses and connection under swith seems fine.

Any Ideas for me to try/check would be greatly appriciated.

Engine management light should come on when the ignition is first turned on as part of the 'lamp test', not using any part of the ODB circuit. Have you checked the lamp ?
What age of Freelander do you have as early ones don't have an engine management light.

Its a 2003 (Y Plate) 2.5 ES. If I look closely I can see the 'Image' on the Dash? When I first investigated, took the dash apart, it does not appear to have any good old fashioned removable lamps, just a series of 'pre-soldered LEDs'?

I'll take apart again this weekend and have another look, unless, as you say, its not ment to have one.

Its a 2003 (Y Plate) 2.5 ES. If I look closely I can see the 'Image' on the Dash? When I first investigated, took the dash apart, it does not appear to have any good old fashioned removable lamps, just a series of 'pre-soldered LEDs'?

I'll take apart again this weekend and have another look, unless, as you say, its not ment to have one.


If its a 2003 (or even 2001 on a Y:)) then it should have an engine management light I would say, was there any evidence of the remains of an LED?
I have the very first model of freelander and they do definatly have an engine management light on the dash
This shows the lamps:

[nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rxaxrNKRto"]YouTube - Freelander 1 2001 v6 cold and warm engine start[/nomedia]

Hippo, you're a Star :)

I can confirm I have no Engine Light? However, The last time I took dash apart, I was looking at the wrong part. I thought the engine light was in the 'strip' at the bottom :eek: I shall double check for a bulb this weekend at the bottom of the Rev counter, as per you're vid.

I can also confirm I have no 'Green' Downhill Descent light? Not sure where to start looking, but will double check dash again at the same time as I do the above. Connection at button seems fine, anywhere else I should check?

Many Thanks for the vid though :D
More Probs found:(

Took dash apart and had closer look at circuit board (Thanks again to Hippo for the vid).

On a very very close inspection I found 2 very small purposely placed amounds of Electrical tape placed over the LEDs for Engine Man Light and ABS light :mad: Removed them, put all back together and found I still have no Engine Management Light, but I know have a yellow warning light for the ABS? I know the ABS is working (Snow driving and a Whoops moment:eek:) but can't see why I get the warning light? Perhaps this is linked to the Downhill descent not working?

So I guess I shall need to look closer at the Descent Button or? somewhere I read that a micro switch selected when 1st gear is activated? My 2.5 is an automatic, anyone any ideas where this micro switch would be?

Thanks for all the comments so far:)
Follow this chart from the rave disk:

ABS = yellow
ETC = yellow
HDC fail = yellow
HDC information = green



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I,ve finally figured it out :) after months of on/off looking. Some little S%$t has purposly scrathed the printed circuit board with a screw driver or something, ggrrrr.

So, Options,

theres a few complete instrument/display spares on e-bay; but none from a 2001 2.5 pertol. Can I take any Freelander petrol (within year range) instrument panel and 'plug & play'?

Suggestions please. :)
Drill a small hole either side of the scratch and solder a wire past the break?

Where are you located as I'm an auto electrician and could have a look?



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