I like those :D:D:D

Shows me doing the tippy lane without someone pretending to hold the roof down :D:D
Thanks for posting Wayne! +1 for liking the fisheye pic of the car park!

By the way - referring to the vid of me in the mud - I bought the Disco 2 as it is secondhand :p I would have opted to get a CDL had I known about Disco 2's back when they were new...and been able to afford one :D :D

TC = EPIC WIN... for now :0 hehe. Won't help at all if an axle blows - a CDL might just get the Landy home ;)

+ another for the fisheye, great pic!

Must admit, highlight for me was actually having Neil there to help with the recovery 'training' part .. Very nice to have someone to disagree and argue sensibly with instead of chucking dummies out the pram!

Hope it worked out OK for you guys and we didn't bore you too much .. :)

+ another for the fisheye, great pic!

Must admit, highlight for me was actually having Neil there to help with the recovery 'training' part .. Very nice to have someone to disagree and argue sensibly with instead of chucking dummies out the pram!

Hope it worked out OK for you guys and we didn't bore you too much .. :)
lol, that's taken years of practice and getting it wrong plenty of times!
ya can only imagine how much I was ****tin' it, with potential dummies getting spat.
'twas a pleasure bantering with you :D
lol, that's taken years of practice and getting it wrong plenty of times!
ya can only imagine how much I was ****tin' it, with potential dummies getting spat.
'twas a pleasure bantering with you :D


I might be big-headed and gobby, but I can often see more than one side to things and have no ego getting in the way of me saying I might be wrong ... (Rare as that may be ... ;))
Only time you two disagreed was about whether my purple rope was too long or too short to link the front two jate rings :D:D

What did you agree on in the end ????????????
Only time you two disagreed was about whether my purple rope was too long or too short to link the front two jate rings :D:D

What did you agree on in the end ????????????

Overall Neil was right ... I was looking at it from the shortest useful bridle point of view .. (quick side-step) not from the 'ideal' .. ;)


Overall Neil was right ... I was looking at it from the shortest useful bridle point of view .. (quick side-step) not from the 'ideal' .. ;)



Oh good :D:D:D

You lost me a bit with the 45 degrees and acute angles bit, especially when the picture in the dirt looked more like a 90 degree angle :lol::lol::lol:
No, it wasn't boring guys!! OK, Lewis (my lad) got a bit fed up, but I expected that due to his autism. He had a doze in the Disco :D I thought I might have to leave early, but he pulled through once we were down some more lanes - he was definitely on one when we went up Staircase - lights on, through the "forest" :D ;) He wasn't half as shy as I thought he might be.

Anyway I digress... what a cracking classroom we had! middle of sodding nowhere, eating butties, practical demos of bits of kit and Discos. It would have been less enjoyable had it actually been in a classroom with a blackboard etc. ;)

Was it Tim or Graham who suggested a Land Rover Book of Knots? damn Prusik knot... had to google it just to spell it LOL!

Wayne - great footage! I have now appreciated the Epic squeaking bonnet :D


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