Hello there. I live in ramsgate and keen for some green lane action. Just bought a defender that should be ready for action soon and would be keen to be shown some lanes. Shout if anyone sorts this😀
ive driven pilgrims way a few times its a byway you dont need a pass

Theres a section near to Lenham that requires a pass. It worth applying for as the same pass allows acces to the Holly Hill and bredhurts byways.

My Landy is up and running now so if any of you guys want to head out for a trip anywhere in Kent area let me know,
Hi guys,

Have you check Land rover Land Rover Owner International of this month?

It has green lanes with maps in Kent.

I was thinking of doing the same course they did, next Saturday, 6 of December.

Anyone interested?
Not seen this. Will have to buy it ASAP. Won,t be ready for the 6th unfortunately. Seem to keep taking things on the landy apart!!
Hi, I am also near Canterbury (Bridge) and new both to LZ and have never done any laning, but would love to in the company of folk who know what your doing and where your going. I have a new110, so similar to others, keen to go off roading, but not looking for the G4 challenge :). If anyone one is organising a trip out in this part of the world I'd love to tag along if possible. Cheers
Couple of us did one earlier this month. There's talk of going out again mid Jan so will keep you posted.
Let me know when you're heading out as I'm always keen.

BTG I'm pretty close to you, down I. Eythorne.

Be warned a lot of the lanes around us are pretty narrow and scratchy. Wouldn't fancy taking a brand spankers 110 down some of them, so if you do venture out alone, I'd suggest walking the route first!

Hope to see you all soon.
Cheers Ads & Greg,

Thanks for the heads up Greg, your right I don't fancy getting too close and comfy with the undergrowth just yet, and don't think I'd venture off on my tod for a while, being so close to you if your ok for me to hop on your coat tails to learn a bit of what/where etc that would be great. Mid Jan sounds good Ad.
Let me know when you're heading out as I'm always keen.

BTG I'm pretty close to you, down I. Eythorne.

Be warned a lot of the lanes around us are pretty narrow and scratchy. Wouldn't fancy taking a brand spankers 110 down some of them, so if you do venture out alone, I'd suggest walking the route first!

Hope to see you all soon.

We did one over near chilham that was super narrow and scratchy, left loadsa marks on the paintwork
Hi guys, I've just brought a disco td5. The only off road experience I have so far is a afternoon over at Eastwell, must admit I it was a great afternoon with them.I wouldn't mind joining if that's ok with you? Tbh I'm the same as BTG, the disco is in too nicer condition to get too scarred up (just yet anyway).

I know the eythorne route lane quite well, only walked my dog down it mind you.
I'm in. Planned a trip last Saturday but me mates wheel bearing gave out just before we got to the first lane and we had to abort :( so need to get out soon!
Sounds like a nightmare mate!

Anyone else??

What days suit you guys? week days are better for me, can do this Thursday or Friday?
I'm also in Kent and though I've had a username here since 2008, I've only had a Land Rover for the past few weeks!

Definitely up for doing some green laning, I'm about 25 minutes from Canterbury. Did the Chilham lane last weekend, definitely a scratchy one.
I'm also in Kent and though I've had a username here since 2008, I've only had a Land Rover for the past few weeks!

Definitely up for doing some green laning, I'm about 25 minutes from Canterbury. Did the Chilham lane last weekend, definitely a scratchy one.

Give me a shout if you wanna do some laning, was on the way to do crundale + shadoxhurst when I had to abort the last trip, would like to have another go at doing em.

Anyone else fancy it?

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