
Hello all
My name is Mike.
I've been searching the internet to solve problems with my RR. Have gleaned a lot of good advice and help from this forum so thought I'd join up to say thanks.
Think my car is in much better shape than me so selfies will be a no no lol.
Haven't really took many pictures as I was a bit disappointed with the car due to the problems I've had with it. But I'm beginning to get things sorted slowly. Anyway it's just a standard hse in silver so nowt special really
If you've spent any time on this forum at all, then I think you'll have seen the state of some of our cars, so how bad can yours be? :D
I've only searched the net for problems relating to my car so haven't really spent much time looking around.
Every search I've made, the information has always come from this forum.
I'm slowly getting to grips with my car and sorting all the problems, the information within this forum has & is helping immensely.
If you've got any current faults or issues, pop over there and start some threads....

Stay away from Anything Goes for a while though ;)

Found this picture, used the car for my son's wedding.

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