
New Member

I am looking to buy a LR in the near future as I would like to do some greenlaneing and a bit of P&P. Have absolutely no experience, don't know one end of a spanner from the other and my only experience of driving 4x4 is a battered old Surf in the african bush... (which duly spat at me, dispensed of the services of the clutch and thought it a good idea to try driving the thing without one of the front wheelbarings... was an interesting trip :)
so the bright sparks in here have now turned off as they rightly assume that i will only ask daft questions in here anyway and got jack sh.. to contribute, but there you go, an old fool doesn't give up that easy:D
:welcome: keep an eye on the green lanin section once yu get a landy, peeps go out regular and there is also p & p site trips.

If yu see a trip yu fancy goin on stick ya name on the list. The guys on ere will look after yu seein as tho yu aint done owt before, and they will rescue yu if yu get stuck (after lots of piccie takin first).

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I'm in Leeds, about 2 mls from Tong P&P site. Will do a lot of reading but might need some advice once I get ready to buy my LR. Who am I kidding, I WILL need help so I avoid buying a lemon and hear the mrs say "told ya so" :)
I'm in Leeds, about 2 mls from Tong P&P site. Will do a lot of reading but might need some advice once I get ready to buy my LR. Who am I kidding, I WILL need help so I avoid buying a lemon and hear the mrs say "told ya so" :)

Once you've bought one won't take you long to learn :D
welcome m8..

i'm in morley so cant be far from you..

if ya want someone to look at any motor ya thinkin of buyin gimme a shout..

i've welded most of mine and done loads of stuff for last 2 mot's ive put mine through..
YAY! Finally made the plunge after a lot of thinking and weighing up pros and cons . Got myself a 04 Freelander S td4. Picking up next week and hoping to get a little dirt on it going to the dales weekend after.

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