for a newbie thread its going well..... or is it just another excuse for you guys to take the mick out of each other? :p
there's a shortage of wumminz on LZ, so they git speshul treatment.
int that rite HB?
there's a shortage of wumminz on LZ, so they git speshul treatment.
int that rite HB?

Aye! Tis! i've had LOOOOOOADS o special treatment this weekend Trew.;) (An I don't mean for me 'mental health')..Mondo bin lookin after me. Well, clearing up the 'trail of destruction' I left in my wake whilst visitin...:rolleyes: He reckons i'm untidy!!! UNTIDY I TELL YER!!! PAH!

Ello Katie by the way..:)
I dint say " untidy" ffs i sed yer wer a messy **** !:p

Oops! egskews me katie ! welcome t the mad ows!

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