
New Member
Hi there hoped you guys could help me. i want to buy a land rover discovery (defender ideally but budget won't allow ) so I've read a bit and wondered if i should go for a 300 tdi as i have little cash...ive seen a few 1998? with about 115000 on clock but need to know some specific pit falls i should avoid when buying something this cheap and old. i have good backup in friends who can weld and who have proper workshop etc but just need to check on a vehicle I'm about to buy?
i choosen a discovery 300 tdi as i was told its the easiest to work on myself and the r380 gearbox is i correct in thinking both would go straight into a defender project i plan for the future?
thanks chaps, rob
Old disco = lots of rust.

If you are looking at them take a tool kit and check the following:

Boot floor - rock the back seats forward and get the carpet up, you'll probably have to remove the plastic strip along the back door, but, get it up, look at the rear wheel arches too

Sils - normally covered in some plastic trim - get the plastic trim off, chanes are they'll be rotten

Front wheel arches - check from both sides

Front footwells, get the carpets up again and have a proper look

Chassis' tend not to rust too badly, but, do check it over properly. Take it on a test drive, make sure you get up to 60-70mph and check for any terrifiying wobbles too!

The 300tdi is a great solid engine, although the H/G does go if the radiator is not in great condition and it overheats, but they are good for 200k upwards, so, 115k on the clock is fine, you might need to do the cam belt, but, this is a fairly easy job to do.

The D1 is a much better vehicle than the D2, other than the rust issue they will keep going forever.
You will really cry when you look out at your dead Disco:eek:
well i only have limited cash and its got to be my transport no stranger to getting my hands dirty with cars , surely can't be any worse than other old cars???
i would love a defender but they are soo expensive...anyway round here theres loads of discos still on the roads...surely as pond as i do my home work and thoroughly check any i intend to buy for rot it will be ok?
If you've got a mate that can weld you are halfway there. All the bits that rust are readily available. Obviously you want one that doesn't need everything doing to it at once which would be a bit daunting but provided you are happy to get stuck in then go for it.
If you've got a mate that can weld you are halfway there. All the bits that rust are readily available. Obviously you want one that doesn't need everything doing to it at once which would be a bit daunting but provided you are happy to get stuck in then go for it.

Seriously would you suggest the disco 1 300tdi over a d2 td5...just I've seen a fair few of both round about the 2.5-3k tag?
My mates a welder and his brother works in garage that he can use for his own stuff also...I've grown up with my dad's restoration projects doing bits and bobs so am confident and not afraid to spend a day under a car...or as long as my back lasts lol
The reason I went for a D1 was the fact that it didn't have loads of electronics which makes it a lot easier to work on. £2.5 - £3k for a Disco 1 seems a bit steep though. I've got two for less than that combined, one for parts :)
I bought my 1991 D1 for £300 with plenty of rot all over it. It's a project for me and I'm fixing bits up (that classic car insurance for £28 a month makes it worth it!).

What Bump has mentioned about is pretty much all the stuff wrong with my D1 (rotten sills, rotten front wheel arches - boot is good though!).

The previous owner got it through the MOT's by covering the holes with extremely poorly applied fibreglass and paint! Not sure how the mechanic didn't spot that so I'm going to weld some sheet metal on properly and apply the proper rust treatment instead of hiding the rust under plastic.

Try and look at the main points that Bump has mentioned but if you can't see any rust; try and see if the repairs have been done properly and not some bodge job. Open the bonnet and look at the top of the wheel arches there and tap it all. Make sure it's all metal etc.
Thanks a million chaps for all that input!;-) it's great knowing I have this forum as backup when I buy her...I will take all these points on board and hopefully be well armed come d1/2 day ;-) . Cheerz Rob
I've had four D1's and a D2 (all diesel and all rot free) and would definitely go for a D2 for that money simply because it's a nicer car. The rear of the chassis where it rises over the axle is the first place to check for rust but if you search about on here there's loads of buying advice.. Mine is; don't rush into anything, there are plenty about! :)

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