It is interesting though as it was always pushed that the EU project would equalise all the member states and there would be the same wage in every state and everyone would be equal under one umbrella, seems as though something went wrong somewhere.
Thank god we are leaving so we can control our own economy and so we can stop subsidising everyone else
Then that's a betrayal of democracy and means we are living in a communist dictatorship :eek:
It would have nothing to do with communism as I don't see the workers rising up to seize control of the means of production. Not everything that people don't like is 'communism'.
Here only 60 odd miles from west Africa, no welfare state here so only a few genuine life threatened migrants come here. Wages crap, as said about 1200 € a month.
Housing big shortage, now shot up to 700€ a month one bed apartment !
Road tax 30 € a year, diesel 1€ a litre garage labour rates 30€ an hour.
Beer in bars €1-50 pint, wine 2-50 glass 200 Benson n hedges 30 € !
Car insurance 300 € per year but cars insured not driver so anyone can drive it.
As a smoker, drinker, driver cheap that's why I've retired here.
It would have nothing to do with communism as I don't see the workers rising up to seize control of the means of production. Not everything that people don't like is 'communism'.

Had nothing to do with the workers rising up, the October uprisings were orchestrated by the Bolshevik Soviets against the Tsars, using their particular narcissistic blend of identity politics to stir up the proletariat who were living in serfdom under the Tsars, only to then massacre the Kulaks to reapproriate their lands under their new Marxist regime where the proletariat still lived as serfs under the communists but this time they were enjoying the fruits of their labour where over 6 million people died through the ensuing famine and approximately another 4 million had markedly shorter lives through the effects of malnutrition. As for seizing the means of production, the state became superior and allocated the means of production to suit their own ends. The biggest failing of communism is it's lean towards authoritarianism and as the ideology failed the more authoritarian they became as a means of maintaining their control, Marx wanted a classless society but he had no idea of what hierarchies were or how they were necessary to order and structure the world, he was an ideologue and one who wrote many an essay while sponging off other people while his family suffered from his immature world view that a societal structure and hierarchy was bad for mankind and ignorant of the fact that it was the system of hierarchy that had allowed the evolution of man for millennia.

Although @Madmustang might not be pin point accurate, our blend of socialism under our supposed socialist democracy now having to face head long into the reality of our democratic vote being over thrown by the state is a harsh lean into the authoritarian side that is communism and where the state reigns supreme and does what it want's regardless, the next part come from the need to suppress dissenting voices against the regime of governance in order to maintain state supremacy, slippery slope and all that, we might not see the mass graves or wrong think cleansing in this decade but it's probably not that far away in the future :)
Had nothing to do with the workers rising up, the October uprisings were orchestrated by the Bolshevik Soviets against the Tsars, using their particular narcissistic blend of identity politics to stir up the proletariat who were living in serfdom under the Tsars, only to then massacre the Kulaks to reapproriate their lands under their new Marxist regime where the proletariat still lived as serfs under the communists but this time they were enjoying the fruits of their labour where over 6 million people died through the ensuing famine and approximately another 4 million had markedly shorter lives through the effects of malnutrition. As for seizing the means of production, the state became superior and allocated the means of production to suit their own ends. The biggest failing of communism is it's lean towards authoritarianism and as the ideology failed the more authoritarian they became as a means of maintaining their control, Marx wanted a classless society but he had no idea of what hierarchies were or how they were necessary to order and structure the world, he was an ideologue and one who wrote many an essay while sponging off other people while his family suffered from his immature world view that a societal structure and hierarchy was bad for mankind and ignorant of the fact that it was the system of hierarchy that had allowed the evolution of man for millennia.

Although @Madmustang might not be pin point accurate, our blend of socialism under our supposed socialist democracy now having to face head long into the reality of our democratic vote being over thrown by the state is a harsh lean into the authoritarian side that is communism and where the state reigns supreme and does what it want's regardless, the next part come from the need to suppress dissenting voices against the regime of governance in order to maintain state supremacy, slippery slope and all that, we might not see the mass graves or wrong think cleansing in this decade but it's probably not that far away in the future :)
I was about to say that but glad you go there first :p
Had nothing to do with the workers rising up, the October uprisings were orchestrated by the Bolshevik Soviets against the Tsars, using their particular narcissistic blend of identity politics to stir up the proletariat who were living in serfdom under the Tsars, only to then massacre the Kulaks to reapproriate their lands under their new Marxist regime where the proletariat still lived as serfs under the communists but this time they were enjoying the fruits of their labour where over 6 million people died through the ensuing famine and approximately another 4 million had markedly shorter lives through the effects of malnutrition. As for seizing the means of production, the state became superior and allocated the means of production to suit their own ends. The biggest failing of communism is it's lean towards authoritarianism and as the ideology failed the more authoritarian they became as a means of maintaining their control, Marx wanted a classless society but he had no idea of what hierarchies were or how they were necessary to order and structure the world, he was an ideologue and one who wrote many an essay while sponging off other people while his family suffered from his immature world view that a societal structure and hierarchy was bad for mankind and ignorant of the fact that it was the system of hierarchy that had allowed the evolution of man for millennia.

Although @Madmustang might not be pin point accurate, our blend of socialism under our supposed socialist democracy now having to face head long into the reality of our democratic vote being over thrown by the state is a harsh lean into the authoritarian side that is communism and where the state reigns supreme and does what it want's regardless, the next part come from the need to suppress dissenting voices against the regime of governance in order to maintain state supremacy, slippery slope and all that, we might not see the mass graves or wrong think cleansing in this decade but it's probably not that far away in the future :)

My comment was not to say that we weren't living in an increasingly authoritarian society, but to say that the current wave of authoritarianism is a capitalist flavour, not a communist one. I wasn't aware that we lived in a socialist democracy, more a capitalist society with an 'as little as we can get away with' socialist safety net.

I also agree that you cannot just disregard the result of a referendum. The fault lies with those who framed the question and then all those who assume that all those who voted for Brexit were voting for a single, specific flavour.
It's normal for threads to get a little sidetracked but FFS get a grip!

Kindly refer to the OP and section it's posted in.
My comment was not to say that we weren't living in an increasingly authoritarian society, but to say blahblahblah etc,etc..........

It's normal for threads to get a little sidetracked but FFS get a grip!

Kindly refer to the OP and section it's posted in.

Move to AG?
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Outrageous hijack of a thread in a tech section that the OP has had no part in.
"Outrageous" - oh dear BB's annoyed. You need some cake BB, calm the nerves.

Yes, back on topic. Is a car any good from a couple of pics on a broken link?

Oh, but it does have some descriptions that I've never witnessed on a dogdy dealer's listing before...


They don't mention how much the annual running costs are. :rolleyes:
Back on topic our beloved cars are crap lets face it, they won't let you cross the dessert in Australia, ( fact ) as their too unreliable ( look it up ) but we love em, well someone has to x
Back on topic our beloved cars are crap lets face it, they won't let you cross the dessert in Australia, ( fact ) as their too unreliable ( look it up ) but we love em, well someone has to x

Is that a freelander you drive? wonder you say 101 FC would cross Aussie quite happily when I get it matriculated in my name in Portugal...not all LR products are the same...they only made around 2,460 101 fc and not many LHD with Knokken winch....but they did for the Aussie military...
"Outrageous" - oh dear BB's annoyed. You need some cake BB, calm the nerves.

Yes, back on topic. Is a car any good from a couple of pics on a broken link?

Oh, but it does have some descriptions that I've never witnessed on a dogdy dealer's listing before...


They don't mention how much the annual running costs are. :rolleyes:
Is a doctors car a good thing or a bad? Bit like 1 lady driver. I've seen some pretty bad lady drivers.
Is a doctors car a good thing or a bad? Bit like 1 lady driver. I've seen some pretty bad lady drivers.

Same with the smoking/pets things as far as I'm concerned - its either clean or it aint.

As they are bonafide decent car dealers, I'm glad they have...

Done a compression test.
Done a leak back test.
Checked out the viscous coupling.
Checked that all the brakes have been renewed/checked recently.
Replaced all the oils.
Replaced all the filters.

Oh no, they ain't said they've done any of that, just said it was owned by a doctor who didn't smoke and hates animals and that it seems to run OK.
Don't get arsey guys,seen it ont telley as ipo wood say, wont let a LR cross desert as fed up searching for em When they break down !
Don't get arsey guys,seen it ont telley as ipo wood say, wont let a LR cross desert as fed up searching for em When they break down !
I think the op will be ok then last time I looked there were not to many deserts in Lancashire:D I bet he wished he had never posted the question now:oops:

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