The Docmeister

Active Member
OK, so it's been a while since I registered, but finally I'm ready to post - after soaking up as much of the great advice here that I could!

Was thinking of a Series III, but now off to look at a Freelander. It's cheap enough to be worth a once-over and possible even selling on to raise a bit more funds to go towards a proper tracter!
Tend to think it may also be the best way to ease my beloved into the thought of Land Rover ownership...
Hi welcome here ! It's a nice idea but if you do a bit of research into free landers you will find that they are all rubbish !! Nothing but problems ! Rubbish engine rubbish electrics !! Think hard and long !! Series three are nice but they're not to everyone's taste!! I personally wouldn't have a freelander even if it was actually free!!!
sorry, you went from wanting a s3 to a freelander? how odd, they are very different beasts.

be v v v v v v v v v v v careful of the vcu's and irds, you'll regret buying a knackered one :)
Welcome. Don't believe all you hear. Freelanders are great. But like any other car, check it over first. Loads of help on the freelander forum.
I've driven Alfas, Saabs & real Minis almost exclusively since passing my test so am used to the doom and gloom crew and their predictions!
S11s to be a reasonably cheap and cheerful 'proper' Land Rover play thing. Now got a Saab C900 Turbo to play with but still fancy some green lane type action...
The Freelander can be passed off as the family car if it isn't too broken and potentially so cheap it'd be rude not to.
Hopefully my better half will be better disposed to the idea than she would be with a rattly old Series or rusty Disco.
Anyway, I don't like to go with the general motoring consensus - fixing it is half the fun and I don't have the time or the space to be welding something 'sturdier' every few months!
I learned to weld on my 'Suds - all four of them! 156s are an absolute bargain gem of a car, unless post 2001 and in need of an exhaust...
Nothing like a bit of "knowlage" when Somone is giving advise.

Freelanders have their niggles, like any vehicle. But far from "rubbish"! Very strong Diesel engines and good economy.

It all depends what floats your boat and what you use it for!
Well I've gone and done it now...
£250 for a 1.8 K series Freelander 1 with knackered clutch hydraulics and eight weeks MOT.
Gotta be a deal :eek:
Not at all, would rather spend my free time shagging the wife than welding a 'D-I-S-C-O'.

(Those being the only other Land Rovers that seem to come with a price-tag that wouldn't leave me feeling that I'd just taken it right up the ****e-pipe...)
I would be worried what I was getting for £250. Make sure you do a good search on the Freelander section and FAQs about headgaskets, vcu and tyres

Good luck with your motor though, if there's any good bits on it they do break for more than that so you shouldn't loose money
Cheers Kizzeh, I reckon so at that price.
Does seem to be genuinely just the clutch. All Mot's for the last 9yrs are there with very little fails/advisories and only 4/5k miles between them.
Water and oil both seem fine, has been regularly serviced, had a new VCU two years ago...
Did a bit of reading before I went for it, so happy that should I have missed something I'll get my money back at the breakers or pulling the car apart.
A bit of tarting up, a yr's MoT and I may even sell it on having seen what's still being asked for them!
1.8 Petrol - check that the upgrades have been done to prevent further overheating. This includes thicker gasket and upgraded oil rail. A certain fella on here has rebuilt his 1.8 happily as he uses the same engine in his racer.

Drive train issues - start with ensuring the tyres all match and best tread is on the rear! You can search in the Freelander forums for all the tests/check/fixes. We have better mpg than the bigger boys so you should be able to save for your favourite series. Nothing wrong with owning more than 1 LR ;)

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