no need to most of the trucks out there have unequal tyres (as said 4 equal is best )but running through muddy water is a bigger issue to wallet

I bought a new set of wheels and tyres and my missus didn't notice the 6 (yes, 6) old ones in the garage for 2 months - and even then, one of the kids pointed them out to her. Get them now cos once junior arrives, you aint gonna have no chance;):cool:

lol good advice, i never thought of it in them terms.......opperation new tyres starts now!
haha i recon i could put my foot down to the tune of a couple o hundred, but 900.....not a foo kin chance, i gotta sell stuff before i can buy toys...joint bank accounts n all that means sneaky sneaky isnt as easy as it once was!
Fair do's - in all seriousness, junior's gotta be your No 1 priority - but that don't mean your only priority - you still need toys too!!!
Fair do's - in all seriousness, junior's gotta be your No 1 priority - but that don't mean your only priority - you still need toys too!!!
she did say the other day that a 20 year old landrover might not be the best choise for a new born....i politly pointed out that i bought her a euro ncap 5 rated car last year and the bairn never has to set foot in the landy....i will not be moved on this point...i still need to tell her i want a second fender with a v8 in it:D
she did say the other day that a 20 year old landrover might not be the best choise for a new born....i politly pointed out that i bought her a euro ncap 5 rated car last year and the bairn never has to set foot in the landy....i will not be moved on this point...i still need to tell her i want a second fender with a v8 in it:D

Errr OK, but if you can't get the OK for a set of tyres you aint got much chance of clearing another Landy - OR if you have a way, pm me.
Errr OK, but if you can't get the OK for a set of tyres you aint got much chance of clearing another Landy - OR if you have a way, pm me.

i hope its not gonna be that way for ever, weve got a bit of dept at the minuit but in the next couple of years when things start to clear we should have a fair amount of disposible income! plus my idea is to buy a bit of a rotter and rebuild it! might take a while but...good things come to thise who wait
i hope its not gonna be that way for ever, weve got a bit of dept at the minuit but in the next couple of years when things start to clear we should have a fair amount of disposible income! plus my idea is to buy a bit of a rotter and rebuild it! might take a while but...good things come to thise who wait

I think it was Oscar Wilde who said something like (or it mght have been me): The strange thing about people who only settle for the very best - is that they very often get it. Good luck fella.
I think it was Oscar Wilde who said something like (or it mght have been me): The strange thing about people who only settle for the very best - is that they very often get it. Good luck fella.
Quite an inspiring quote, i like it allot.:tea:
Yep -holds true for many aspects of life. I wonder if it is that we don't appreciate what we have until its gone; or that what comes next tends not to be as good than what went before?
is often an arguement now that change is necessary ,which some is,but they allways try to change human nature that dosent ,and not what is needed

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