jamacian bob said:
yo! mondo dude, ya want to try some of me home made mars bar soup with jamacian herb garnish?

sounds very nice,! thank bob:D just wat de man neeeeded
Listen to you guys, it's a ****ing Land Rover forum not a "get smashed on pot" forum or "eat yourself high" forum.

Hey, maybe we should have another sub forum off this one just for you nutters ;)
i could do you a reet good jamaican pizza with a choice of toppings
hash,grass,weed,blow,bob hope,dope,marrocian black, super skunk or my favorite bob's whacky blend pizza topping
marksurry said:
Listen to you guys, it's a ****ing Land Rover forum not a "get smashed on pot" forum or "eat yourself high" forum.

Hey, maybe we should have another sub forum off this one just for you nutters ;)
lighten up, dude ! have a bit of pizza or a smoke man. we're jist chillin waiting for the next question from the great unwise out there in landyland.
we'll be ready and waiting to answer there every question. whether we know the answer or not..;right man you got a roach??
marksurry said:
Listen to you guys, it's a ****ing Land Rover forum not a "get smashed on pot" forum or "eat yourself high" forum.

Hey, maybe we should have another sub forum off this one just for you nutters ;)

Heres yer invite mark
cum an join us (if yer can see throu all the smoke)

that pizza ready yet bob?:D
W O W !!!!!!!!!!!

You guys must have some boring a** lives...I posted this question just a couple of days ago, and between then and now I have seen a couple of movies with my family, taken my children on a Thomas the Train simulation, went mountain biking several times, went fishing, went to a showing of the UFC...and on and on......

To answer your questions, I'm not sure why anyone would want to lift a vehicle an inch, or 1.5....or 2....or whatever other than just to get some bigger tires under there and make a fairly pansy-ass looking vehicle look a little more like a man's truck........

I wish I was selling these...great idea...I would make some money...there's gonna be alot of Freelanders changing hands over the next couple of years and a whole new market opening up...I would imagine.... oh well, any other dumb a** questions???????????
If it is such a pansy vehicle why the hell have you got one. I think you lot are right he must be selling them to react this bad :)
klumps said:
W O W !!!!!!!!!!!

You guys must have some boring a** lives...I posted this question just a couple of days ago, and between then and now I have seen a couple of movies with my family, taken my children on a Thomas the Train simulation, went mountain biking several times, went fishing, went to a showing of the UFC...and on and on......

And yer say We have boring lives
Thomas the fuc*ing Tank, Fishing ,Movies,:rolleyes:

Not much time fer yer Landrover then?:p
You couldn't get bigger tyres under the arches if you jacked it up anyway. I would say the lower section of the arch where it meets the cills would clash with the trye, especially the front when steering.
Anyway, the Freelander is hardly a pansy vehicle. If you want a truck then buy a f***ing truck.

Muppet !!
OOh yer so sexy when yer angry

orite mate?!
yer bin a bit quiet lately, yer not plannin wi that Ming bloke are yer?
mondo said:
OOh yer so sexy when yer angry

orite mate?!
yer bin a bit quiet lately, yer not plannin wi that Ming bloke are yer?

Nah, World Domination is Mings bag, not mine. I've been out in the motor and visiting real people :eek: Scary seeing people face to face!
marksurry said:
Nah, World Domination is Mings bag, not mine. I've been out in the motor and visiting real people :eek: Scary seeing people face to face!

Wot ! you mean theres REAL people out there :eek:

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