This picture caught my eye, check the tubular cross member for the "A" frame.

The flat plates look quite corroded, best give the slap with a hammer test before you weld the floor in, you'll never do it from underneath once it is in!!!

Best of luck saving it matey, buy replacement panels for it and spend, spend, spend, it will be well worth it in the long run, time saved and less stress trying to blow holes, I mean weld in patches, Just cut the rot out, drill an spot it in place ;)


If the cross member side plates have rotted through look HERE to see y build thread where I tackled exactly the same.
aframe is pitted but not holed :)
thanks mate for your eyes and help
John it's the angled mount at the end of the round cross member that looks rotten just where it joins the top of the chassis, it's a very common rot point on the chassis.

Btw forget that first pm, I know know what your problems are lol
getting there now just refurbed wheels an put new tyres on :)


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next weeks jobs

time to cut windscreen out as some **** had a go in past an made a total cock of it
put rear seats in
fix the paint work
seat covers
cb/ham radio
light bar with leds

oh an wait for dvla to send me the docs 6 bloody weeks

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