
New Member
hi just bought a 1980 series 3 109. got it cheap £450 i say cheap alltho i had a ex electric board 1987 110 12 years ago that i paid £750 for that i fitted a isuzu 2.8 engine i had which transformed it but anyway back to series 3 . ive got a mercedes 609 chassis with running gear that the series 3 is going to be extended and fitted on. It will lose its 4wd but will then have the merc 4ltr om364 di engine that will do 100s of k miles without fault . its going to be a working vehicle so no pretty shiney things will be added just stuff that will make it usefull as thats what they were intended to be in the first place . i know there has never been anouther vehicle thats had so many different engines than a landy but ive not seen a lorry chassis version. IM SURE THERE ARE LOADS THO . if the purists out there want to get up in arms im sure your in a minority as nearly every land rover i have ever come across has had to altered in many ways just to keep it going
hello .. thanks for that . just feeling my way throu site as not sure of the type of people inhabit it ie pristine land rover throu and throu or people like myself that like land rovers but want to improve the weaknesses that a lot of them have

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