Hello all,

I'm new to this forum and I'm trying to get some advice. I currently live in the US, but I will be posted outside the US in Africa for the next 4 years or so. I have this hair brained scheme of purchasing and '83 or 84 (US import restrictions on non conforming vehicles do not applied to vehicles older than 25 years that's why it has to be an old defender) Defender 110 Station wagon having it converted to Diesel using a 200tdi motor and have Air Condition added. In addition to that a would like a full mechanical inspection and repair of any items nearing the end of their service life. Also it needs to be LHD, I assume a RHD can be changed to LHD if that is all that is available. So, I guess my question are:

1) Is this crazy?

2) How much should I expect to pay?

3) What UK shop would you recommend to source the vehicle and do the work?

4) Could this project be completed by August?

5) Anyone selling the above described Vehicle
I suspect your scheme would be very difficult and expensive to accomplish. I also suspect you haven't yet owned a Land Rover..?? Buying from the US will be difficult though! Would you trust the seller that the vehicle was in the condition he told you? How do you get it from the seller to the shop? It may be hundreds of miles away. Most 110's (they were not Defenders until about 1990/1) of that age will need some work, some LOTS of work unless you get one which has been looked after. Have you ever driven one? Would you like a slow, uncomfortable, cumbersome vehicle with the turning circle of a large ship? My advice is, don't buy a vehicle and try and make it into what you think it should be, buy one that fits the bill already, it's far cheaper. To approach a dealer and give them a blank check to put the vehicle right (probably starting with a new frame) and to install a 200TDi and aircon does not seem wise if you can't even see it beforehand. And it will need to be in excellent shape for use in Africa. Of course, you MAY have just won the lottery.. You will need someone here to find a suitable vehicle (and I wouldn't like to find a decent very early 110, it would take a LONG time) and then use guesswork to find a decent shop to do the work. The aircon alone would cost about $1700, installing a good 200TDi with conversion kit about $4k. Then you will have to come to the UK as a foreigner, not knowing the red tape and try to arrange export to Africa and boy, is it a LONG way!!
So to summarise:-
1) Yes!
2) Think of a number and double it.
3)There are many, Simmonites come to mind. Some specialists do offer an export service, check out the magazines.
4) If you throw enough money at it.
5) Check out UK magazines and vehicle sales web sites.
I believe Toyotas are VERY popular in Africa.
If you dont mind me asking why dont you just buy a 110 in Africa, as this is where you are going? Then you will only have to pay shiping from africa to US and not both ways. Well it depends on how much you are willing to pay and where in africa you are going. The 200Tdi`s are quite rare in Africa and parts are much more expensive than 300Tdi`s. We do rebuilds in JHB south africa, we can build you a LHD landy with 200 or 300 Tdi motor to your spesifications. If you like I can send you photos of Landy`s recently built by us and for more info e-mail me at soost@myway.com.
Cheers and good luck.

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