Ey up Tank.

Hey I've just thought up an initiation ceremony! You've got to come up with a bigoted remark within your next six posts and have spat your dummy out within 12 posts then claim you were joking all along within your 12th and 18th post.

Go on bet you can't.
Thanks for the welcome lad's,

1/ Discovery TDi 94/M

2/ Sorry i'm skint this soon after X mas lololo (lend me a tenner)

3/ And on a diet to get rid of MY pork lololo

4/ I do regularly "spit me dummy" but only at the labour party or #10's website so the rest of you lot are safe for now;) but have any of you seen the petitions about Road tax & the like???

5/ Reading is my closest town, loads of water for those that fish:D:D:D



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