
Hi all,

New to the forum but not all that new to landrovers!

Have recently bought a 110 TD5 (have previously had a Tdi discovery and a series of defenders/discoveries at work) which is going to be my daily drive but possibly more importantly my wedding car for my fiance and I.

Have spent quite a lot of time 4x4 and ATV instructing at various venues round the country, most excitingly up in the Scottish Highlands!

Looking to get out laning in the peaks and yorkshire in the next few months- did a few lanes around North Notts and yorks in the last few weeks.

Hope that we can make a few connections to go laning with on here and also pick up some bargainous parts- equally quite happy to share experience on anything I can help with.

Ah nice to see you have a proper landy and not one of those gaylander things.

Thick skin and a sense of humour are essential around here ;)

I left by choice, to move in with my fiancé in Yorkshire and for better job prospects. Would move back tomorrow if I could find decent work back up in the highlands- absolutely loved it up there never got tired of driving down the side of Loch Laggan each day to work..........

Took delivery of the first purchases for the 110 today, service kit, new grease gun and some chequer plate corner protectors for the rear corners which have been rather bashed in its previous life with a government agency.........


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