
New Member
Hi People,

Im brand new to this site and thank god that I have found such a great one dedicated to Landrovers.

I own a P38 2001 Range Rover 4.0 HSE and I am having nightmares with it. I bought it a few months ago and since then I have been trying to get it up and running so I can start using it.

I live in Rural Suffolk near Southwold and due to the country lanes during the winter we regularly get stuck. This makes our lives very difficult seeing as my Mrs is disabled, so I thought I would buy a Rangey and now Im even more stuck than I would be in the snow lol.

If anyone can give me some sound advice I would really appreciate it. We are both on a very low income and I would prefer to avoid going to a main dealer as the cost is just to great for us. I need help with diagnosing a fault.

Can anyone help me plz?


Miles :)
Welcome to landy zone. Sorry to hear about your problems, but if you head on over to the Range Rover section, and tell the peeps there what the problems are, I am sure there will be someone that can help you.
Hi Miles, welcome!

I live in this neck of the woods... lovely part of the world isn't it! Anyhooo, there are lots of very clever people on here that can help you I'm sure.

Good luck :D

you need to create a post in the relevant section detailing the symptoms and the problems

someone will be along presently to assist

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